Chapter 1: Direction - The Physical Way To Read This Book

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Welcome to How To Read This Book. It's important that before you read this book you know how to read this book, therefore I will tell you. I recommend reading it the way you're reading now, for that's the way you're already comfortable reading, but have you considered trying something new?

Backwards it read could you perhaps. Understand to difficult be might it, though.

Or maybe you could even read it upside down. Go ahead. Try it.

Maybe you want to read this from the very end and make your way to the beginning

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Maybe you want to read this from the very end and make your way to the beginning. If you plan to do so, I apologize for the spoilers. What a twist ending though right? A table of contents! If you plan on reading it from front to back though, you should make sure you get yourself familiar with the table of contents. It can be tricky.

Now that you know how to physically read this book, and how to try something new, let's get into the reason you should be reading this book.

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