Dancing In the Moonlight

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Turning around, there was James eyeing me from the hedges.

I turned to try the doorknob again, but it wouldn't budge.

"Little Red... " James was on me, I could feel his heat against my backside.

"Please... go away... "

He chuckled, "Why? You don't wanna have some fun with the big, bad wolf?"

I turned around and glared at him.

"Do you want to lose those digits this time?"

James smiled, "Feisty. I like it."

"How'd you even get past the guards and why do you smell like a distillery?"

I wrinkled my nose as he loomed over me.

"Still my brave little red even without her mates here, huh?"


"Oh shit.." James hollered into the night sky, "Did you hear that, boys?! She's still a virgin! Hot diggity dog!"

"I-I never said that... " I blushed, wishing that the Quads would show up.

"Honey, you don't have to."

"I'll scream!" I warned.

I heard more howls and then James yanked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulders.

"No!!" I kicked and screamed and punched and I even bit him in the shoulder.

"Woman, I like it rough so you're just turning me on even more.."

I heard shuffling in the distance and there appeared one, two... a dozen stray dogs...or what I thought they were.

"We're gonna have so much fun with you, Red... " James snickered, "What should we name our first born?"

"Our what?!" I yelped, "Let me go! You're drunk and insane!"

"You're going to be a great Queen!" James stumbled,nearly dropping me.

"Oh my God! Just let me go. You don't even know where you're going. There's wild dogs over there!"

I was too exhausted to keep fighting him,but I didn't have to. He stopped when he heard the Impala.

"Oh fuck!" He didn't have time to put me down so he stood there like a deer waiting to be hit by their car and I swear Xander didn't stop until he brake right before hitting us.

I turned away to brace for impact when the screeching stopped and James decided it was a good idea to toss me on top of the hood of Xander's car.

I fell like a sack of potatoes.. sliding off as the boys scrambled out of the car and checked on me.

I haven't the slightest clue what prompted me, but I found myself chasing after James, not worrying about the pack of dogs staring at us as we ran.

I could feel the Quads behind me and hear them calling for me, but my heart kept telling me to go

Faster. Faster. Faster.

Over hedges and tree roots, scaling a wall, running along the river bank, through the forest, onto the path leading to the Mueller's property until...

I stopped suddenly.

I couldn't go on his property.

Neither could the Quads.

I wasn't even out of breath as we watched James walk backwards towards his house, keeping an eye on me.

I was standing in front of the Quads who were watching my every move.

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