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"So are you looking for a part-time job to help your family out?"
"I wanna continue my studies, so I'm trying to support myself."
"What were you studying?"
"Engineering. Civil Engineering."
"XXX University"

She took a good look at the boy. Mingyu has a heart-shaped mouth and a smile that tilts up every so slightly more on the left side which makes it look like he is trying to conceal or control himself. His teeth are very white when he shows them and his incisors are quite pointy. He's tall, well built. His biceps are prominent. The sweat drop on his forehead gives him a sexy appearance. But he's a kid, only 19.

"I'll make an offer. I can pay for your studies but want something in return."
He looked half happy and half confused.
"I'm afraid I don't have anything to offer you."
"Do you play any sports?"
"Yes, I do, Volleyball."
"That explains the muscles." She said winking at the younger making him flustered.
"Will meet you tomorrow at 10. Come to Jeon Corporations. Tell your name at the reception."

" See you later Mingyu." She looked at him one last time and turned around.

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