Born To Serve?

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The horses gallop faster and faster. Their hoves pound against the dreary cobbled streets determindly.These magnificent creatures connect to the carriage in which I am seated.I did not choose to be here. It is clear to me that the horses have far greater enthusiasm of reaching my destination than myself. I attempt to allow myself to be more accustomed to my surroundings. Failing this I peer out of the carriage window hoping to somehow distract myself from the grim, dreary concepts of my reality.

The blackening clouds poison the once blue sky. Infecting it so that irregular bouts of thunder and flashes of light occur, startling the fixated horses and turning them into a quivering bundle of nerves. The journey seemed to last an eternity. I do not complain of this however. Anything to delay myself from having to confront the demons awaiting for me.

I try to ward off the sickening and perturbed feeling in the pit of my stomach. Those feelings are eating away at it like a vast plague of locusts,swooping down and devouring everything in sight. Thoughts whirl endlessly in my head, never ceasing to frighten and confuse me.

Why is this happening?


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