Chapter 90. The Demonic and Heavenly Sect masters.

Start from the beginning

Some hard fights happened, but the coordination of Yasenia and her lovers was enough to destroy enemy groups as if they were cutting grass. Andrea was the vanguard, with Evelyn supporting her. Yasenia coordinated with Cecil, being their strongest killing power, and attacking those surrounding Andrea.

Then, Angel assisted them with her formations and lasers. Finally, Kali joined under Andrea's orders as their support, hindering their enemies, healing their injuries, or protecting the backline with her shields and summons. The six of them were truly a fearsome combo!

The day ended, and with it, the first elimination round. All of the people in their group passed, being in the top 3 000. Not too high, but with 20 000+ participants, it wasn't bad either.

They felt their sights go blurry and suddenly awoke in the plaza. Yasenia looked up and saw a smiling Tatyana. Yasenia stood up and said with a smile, "Mom, I'm back!"

Tatyana chuckled and hugged Yasenia, "Welcome back little treasure; you did well. However, I have to put the five of you to shape! It seems that you have quite a lot to improve on."

Yasenia nodded happily. "I will train with mom again~." Even her tail started wagging.

The others chuckled, seeing their interaction. Tatyana felt someone looking at her, and seeing that they were the sect leaders from the demonic and heavenly sect, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I'll be right back, little treasure. Wait here." Yasenia nodded.

Tatyana disappeared and appeared beside the demonic and heavenly sect leaders.

The demonic sect leader, Zhong Kui, spoke with sarcasm, "Who is your new fuck buddy? To think that he got you pregnant, he must be exceptional! Didn't you say that you were extremely against children?"

Tatyana looked at him and said, "Are you so pathetic that you can't wet your little member if it is not with me? Don't tell me you have been masturbating for the last 15 000 years."

Zhong Kui's grinned. "I can wet it until it is wrinkled, but I love yours the most since you are my wife. I could have let you roam around and play for some time, but you got pregnant! Do you really want to get into a fight? Don't think that I can't fight you, Tatyana."

Tatyana ignored him. "What have you called me here for? Breathing the same air near you will make me part of my own army, and answering any of your drivel will make my regenerative neurons die permanently. Guan Yu, speak."

The heavenly sect leader, Guan Yu, spoke gently, "Tatyana, you haven't visited my sect for some years already. How about you come with your daughter? She may like one of my sons-"

Tatyana interrupted, "I will ask only one more time before my patience runs out. What have you called me here for? Do not make me repeat myself."

Their faces twitched a little, but Guan Yu answered, "We want your help revising the formation for the next part of the tournament; I don't want these demons to use any tricks."

Zhong Kui sneered, "Would you have become the strongest 'righteous' faction without your dirty schemes? At least I do things directly instead of being a sneaky bastard."

Tatyana completely ignored their jabs to each other and nodded, "Sure, I don't want my little treasure competing in a defective formation. Wait for me there."

Then she turned and walked back toward Yasenia. Both of them followed; they wanted to know this daughter of hers. Tatyana thought, 'Tsk, I knew they would follow me. Whatever, it is not like they can do anything.'

When the three of them reached Yasenia's spot, many people bowed. "We welcome the heavenly sect leader/the demonic sect leader."

Tatyana saw that some people from the dual cultivation sects were speaking to Yasenia and almost laughed at the annoyed face of Cecile and the rest. She looked at Yasenia and saw her lips twitching in amusement, looking at the show before her.

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