Chapter 84. Cecile's rage and strengthened determination!

Start from the beginning

Cecile's teammates arrived at that moment. Seeing the destruction around, they were completely surprised.

"What happened here?"

One said, pointing to where the vortex and Yasenia's impact with the cocoon happened. "Look, those areas are completely destroyed. What an enormous firepower."

When they focused on Cecile, they were surprised, "Cecile! What happened? Why are you so badly injured?"

"What happened, Cecile!? Why are you crying?"

One of them, a girl with a badly scarred face, looked at the body beside Cecile. After seeing the distinctive bicolor dragon tail, she suddenly understood. She asked with a frown, "Which bastard killed Yasenia?"

The others finally caught the problem! The scarred girl sighed and said, "Cecile, we can wait for her to revive in the city. When we team up with Yasenia, our team power will skyrocket! Look at the destruction created by her. Truly amazing!"

Cecile processed her words slowly and asked in a weak voice, "City?"

The girl was quite sharp, so understanding that something was wrong, she went to her side and patted her head "Cecile, remember, we are inside the formation. She isn't truly dead; she is just out of the game for ten hours."

Cecile's eyes regained light little by little. Her tears poured as her sobs grew louder, finally crying out loud with happiness and relief. The others became nervous, not knowing what to do when the normally indifferent girl was this emotional, but the scarred girl smiled slightly. "En, don't worry, Cecile. We will see her soon."

Cecile nodded repeatedly and stood up wobblily, making the others rush to help her. Cecile spoke sobbingly, "Thank *Hic* you, Kali."

The scarred girl, Kali, nodded. Since she has become like this because of one of Alysa's schemes, she has tried not to make expressions, fearing her face becoming even more hideous than it already was. The worst thing was that her veil and mantle weren't transported with her into the formation, revealing herself to everyone.

Kali spoke to Cecile, "Yasenia killed Alysa, and hence she is my benefactor. Let's go to the healing spring in the city and recover. Your wounds are horrible."

Kali analyzed Cecile's injuries with her advanced medical knowledge and frowned slightly, "Your upper body is completely crippled, and your dantian and meridians are irreversibly damaged. You are also losing a lot of blood, and the internal bleeding is getting dangerous. You will die in one hour if we don't reach there swiftly... Truly reckless... If you did this outside the formation, you would have been dead at worst and crippled for life at best! Thankfully your real body is safe."

Cecile's face hardened, "Those bastards will also revive in the city, right? I will make them pay hundredfold!"

Kali and the others nodded, and they started their return journey to the city, carrying Cecile. They reached the city and approached through a place where there weren't other cultivators. After climbing the wall, they stealthily made their way inside and went to the healing spring.

They managed to arrive at the spring, making their nerves relax. The group of six, including Cecile, entered the spring, four men and two women. They didn't need to disrobe, so they dived into it together and let their wounds, fatigue, and energy recover, even the robes cleaned while bathing in it.

One of the men, a level 8 cultivator, asked, "Is it okay if we ask about what happened? Don't worry if you don't want to. A battle of that magnitude, it will appear on the highlights for sure."

Cecile sighed comfortably as she felt her body recovering, "When I was arriving, Yasenia was badly injured and surrounded by 16 cultivators. There were also some of them dead around her. She lost an arm, and a lightning cultivator pierced her back when she turned. Then she died."

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