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"Who?" She asked. Draco?

She couldn't think who else, George and Dean and everyone else was waiting for execution. Wait. No. Ava paused mid-thought, eyes welling with tears as the memory of that hazy conversation came back to her.

Theo and Blaise were talking about going somewhere to get supplies. And that girl, the girl who she spoke to a few nights ago—Was it a few nights ago—? Mallory her name was, the beautiful Assassin princess. She was there too, and Adrian. And George. And Dean. Ava could cry, was that a dream or not?

"What's the last thing you remember?" Victor asked her.

Ava looked down and began pinching the skin on her fingers as she said, "Voldemort stabbing me. I remember feeling like I was dying. And I remember there were intruders or something."

Some sort of smirk pulls on Victor's lips and then he said, "When I heard what happened between you and Draco," he paused and Ava could tell he wanted to ask more about that but decided not to and continued, "As soon as I found out you were to be taken to Voldemort to be questioned, I knew if I didn't do something, he was going to kill you. And I'm afraid you and I still have that deal."

He chuckled and so did Ava, they both knew that deal was meaningless now. But Ava will still help Victor kill Voldemort.

"So I couldn't let you die," Victor said, "I knew then that whatever plans we had would not work anymore. So I made the decision to act then. At the time I found out, Luna was with me and was hiding when an Assassin came in and told me. When he was gone, Luna and I came up with a new plan. A plan we would act on straight away."

Ava listened carefully.

"Luna called her people, the ones who had been in hiding all this time and the ones who wanted revenge on Voldemort just as much as we do," Victor said, "so it was us. We were the intruders."

The realization hit her. Victor wasn't warning Voldemort, he was opening the doors to the intruders. And that cloaked figure Ava swore she saw, was Luna.

"Our only aim was to rescue you and take out as many of Voldemort's men as we could," Victor explained, "but in the process, we were able to do something else."

"What?" Ava asked, anticipation clawing inside her chest.

"I can't believe it," a voice, an all too familiar voice called from behind Victor and Ava turned her gaze to him. To Dean.

Everything inside her body and soul melted with disbelief and an overwhelming sense of relief.

"We freed all the prisoners," Victor clarified.

But Ava was already standing and Dean was embracing her. She ignored the pain spiraling in her abdomen and blinked away the blinding headache that was making her feel faint.

"I can't believe you are here," Ava muttered into Dean's shoulder.

"I didn't think I would see you ever again," Dean replied.

Their embrace separated and Ava's face lit up with joy as she beheld her best friend.

"Don't forget about me," George's voice echoed from behind her and Ava forgot how much she had missed that casual sarcasm of his.

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