"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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The icy snow cracked underneath Aris' Jordan Fours. He fear he would slip at any moment, so he kept looking down at the floor, every second to make sure he was alright.
When he looked up this time, he saw someone's back of head.
From where he was he could see the boy's brown hair, it was curly and fluffy and stopped at his neck. Covering the top was a beanie Aris recognised. He had a jacket just like Newt's it was oversized so it reached him to his knees. He was wearing Nike unisex trainers.
He was definitely shorter than Aris.
But damn well he knew who that was.
Picking up his pace, Aris darted through the snow, he almost slipped a lot of times.
When he finally reached the boy he tackled him to the floor.
The boy yelped and loosed his balance, falling face straight into the snow.
Aris stood there laughing as the boy stood up, rubbed the snow off his face and glared at him.
"You're so lucky you're Aris or else I would've punched the living shit out of you."
"Calm down, Thomas." Aris giggled, "why's man not in school?"
"'Cuz I can't be arsed." Thomas replied, he had done dusting the snow of himself.
"Oh yeah, Newt said he wants to break your neck."
Thomas didn't look alarmed but he smiled, "he can break my ass instead."
Aris gave him a dirty look, "oh you faggot."
"Hey! That's homophobic." Thomas said, laughing.
"How can I be homophobic? My bitch is gay."
Thomas smiled, "hit man in the top, try see a man topless, even the stock is gay."
That hyped them up, because they looked at eachother other and yelled.
Aris wrapped his hand around Thomas's arm and they sang in a frenzy.
"Huggin' my bruddas and say that I love them, but I don't swing that way!"
Thomas didn't know the rest of the lyrics but Aris did.
"The mandem celebrate Eid, the trap still runnin' on Christmas day."
Thomas rolled his eyes, and they kept on walking, the snow creaking under their shoes.
"So, I need to tell you summat, innit?" Aris piped up, breaking the silence.
Thomas looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "what is it?"