... Anyways. For the time being, my Vector manipulation was pretty weak, I didn't have much range. I can brag all I want about my ability, but if someone was to assault me with a knife at the moment, I'd be toast. Though I could potentially accelerate my own body to move at high speeds, similarly to Accelerator, with my level of mastery, I believe it's too risky. Not to mention that my body is physically weak, I'd look like an idiot if I were to die by Moving too fast.

My current train of thoughts was interrupted, however, by the noise of my bedroom's door creaking.

"Volkov, are your studies going well ?"

This unrealistic line spoken to a 4 year old, was said by none other than my father, Richmond Wain, but I just call him Mr.Wain for shorts.

"Yes, father. I'm currently in the process of learning about the history of our world, mainly the fairytales regarding the Demon Lord Diabolos."

My father blinked at my answer, probably concerned due to my answer not being appropriate for a child my age. His puzzlement quickly turned to laughter.

"Hahaha! You will always amaze me son, being so smart at such a young age is something I will never understand, your mind was blessed by mother nature. Honestly, at your age, I acted much more appropriate to the mind of a child. Well, at the time, I wasn't exactly supposed to be the heir of the family."

I nodded at his words with an innocent expression, in truth, it was an act. I couldn't really consider myself a child, I was 18 when I was reincarnated, so I already had more or less the mind of an adult.

Though, to be completely honest, acting entirely like a child was a chore. Not to mention, I couldn't bring myself to act entirely like a kid.

"So then, what did you learn about the story ?"

He asked with a grin on his face, giving him a sort of expectant expression.

"It's about what I expected of a fairytale. Long ago, the demon lord Diabolos threatened to destroy the entire world, but he was defeated by the three legendary heroes who represented Humans, Elves and Beastkins. I find it interesting how such a story managed to become a fairytale known to all, considering it isn't all that creative." I explained.

"Hm ? You already thought of similar stories ? Well, not only are you surprisingly smart, you're also pretty imaginative, Son. I think those are amazing qualities, but I don't think it's that surprising for this story to be so popular. After all, the three heroes are a source of inspiration for youngsters to become legends."

I thought about it for a moment, on earth, such stories would have been considered completely unrealistic, and therefore would not have had much impact on society, at least that's what I think. Perhaps this is the view of a modern day man? I suppose things were much simpler in ancient times, it's all really confusing, I'm feeling homesick now...

"I suppose you're right, father, I didn't think about it that way."

"Hahaha ! I guess no matter how intelligent you are, you can still make mistakes, take this as a lesson for today. Nobody's perfect, alright ?"

I nodded to his words, satisfied, my father left the room.

"... Well, not being perfect only means that you have more room to improve, right ? Heh, that's fine by me."


I was now 10 years old, a lot had happened during those 6 years. First of all, it took a while, but I finally managed to reach the advanced level of Vector Manipulation, meaning I could finally efficiently use the Vector Shield that Accelerator used so much, and I had reached Supernatural levels of intelligence. For reference, Accelerator's intelligence exceeded that of 100 Supercomputers, I was confident that I was around half of that.

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