I  realise my sister is here but the other family members are not here, what happened? Where are they ?

"Where is everyone ?" I ask with a heavy voice as I help myself to sit on the bed .
"They left, I thought it would be best if they all leave because I know you passed out because of the crazy noise that was in here." she tell me as she chuckle. I give her a smile that do not reach on my smile strings.

"Thanks ."
Only my sister can do such a thing, I'm so lucky to have such a caring sister, I needed this .

Heldan clears his throat and breaks the silence, I am not going to look at him at all.
I am still in shock and hurt by him.

How would you feel when you realize that your doctor is frankly your ex boyfriend ?
"You sister is a blessing from god."

Jesus these is too much to handle .

I shall stone him for his sacrilege, I will never forget how he humiliated me in front everyone _something that I want to forget and don't want to talk with anyone about it.

The  room goes mum for a moment Monica look at us and decide to say "Alright guys I'm going to grab some coffee see you later ." really? These is not helping I feel suffocated around with these man .

She closes the door behind her as she leaves.
"Hy ."
"Hy ." I respond back and  I look away again .
"How are you doing ?" his question makes me irritated, the nerve he has to come in here and ask me how am I doing,can't he see what condition I'm  Into right now ?
"Excuse me heldan? How am I doing? Well my legs are broken that's how I'm doing doctor." I don't care if im being bumpy or rude .

"Jeez im just asking by the way ." he says and continue writing whatever the fuck he is writing and after a minute of silence  he says"I know that you still mad at me, and I know that you don't want to see my face right now but I am terribly..."

I interrupt him before he can finish his words "Do not even dare to do so, I know you heldan you are a womanizer and I beg and pray to god that I never in my life have to see you again ."

"Look I was still young I didn't know what I was into I swear im a better guy now ."
"Well congratulations on that im glad that you've change I wonder how many girls you've now broken their hearts ."

"Hey babe we need you ." a beautiful blonde lady in a white coat says, she looks exactly like the one I saw on his Instagram account —it is obviously her.she is pretty but she don't deserve heldan . her red hair is in a tight bun, im jealous she is so beautiful .I look at him with guilt into my face as he leaves  .

Was I harsh on him for speaking the truth ?did he even deserve to hear that after 3 years when we last saw each other?
I  groan and bury myself with the blanket as I cry .


"You are such a dumbass." my best friend, Karen and amanda are both here, I'm so happy they came .they are my stress relief,  everytime I am with them I feel better and can laugh and smile if it had to, I stare at the both of them fighting and arguing about who cares for me the most—which is so childish because they both do and I don't want to compare them because they mean the world to me, going to college had made me meet with two awesome best friend, how lucky I am to have them , I remember how I met them and it is so giddy how we met—i overslept knowing that the next morning I have to go to my first class and I am still a new student who knows nothing about college, so I get lost and meet with two students standing looking confuse, I don't know why I walk myself to them , they look like they also don't know where they are going.

I end up approaching them to help me find my class but we are both going to the same class so we look at the entire building until we find our class_but yeah we we late for our first class.

since then Karen start to tell me about his fashion desires and tells me  about his dates all the time, and amanda is just the opposite, treasures make up and addicted to bras_ she always worry herself about her bra size and all these crazy things but I guess that how I met them I had fallen in love with them from the beginning.

"Hannah!?" amanda shouts bringing me back to my brains "What?"
"are you alright?"
I nod to her question and raise a fake grin to her, I don't know what to tell them, the only thing that I want now is to get out of this bed, I have to pay rent and I have to go back to work or I might lose my job which is not what I want _heldan shows up again standing on the door —i gnore the pounding of my chest the moment I see his face, he is so cute, more cute than his Instagram photos.

Hannah focus! What am I doing?

I stare at him head to toe and god! i am impressed, he still got it. I don't want to ruin this moment by reminding myself of why we stopped working up.
"Ladies , I'm here to check up on my patient and see how she doing. Is that okay?"
"Oh course." they both respond , but  I roll my eyes and lie my head on the pillow—these is the most embarrassing thing I am currently facing.
"how you feeling?"
"Oh, I get it." he chuckles, I don't know what is so funny.
"When am I getting out of here? I haven't paid my house rent, I can even lose my job!" I tell him, but he remains silent.
"Don't worry about the rent we going to sort that out." Karen says.

Ruining my plan excuse to abscond,as if it was going to work by the way.

"Hannah, you are in a bad form right now you can't get out of here as soon as you may think."

"then when, doctor!?"

"Mmhi three weeks? I suppose."

"Three weeks!?"


Till We Meet (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ