Chapter 3

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Irina POV

      Irina hums a happy tune as she walks back to her house, 'What is that noise...?' "HEY!! CAN YOU HELP PAIMON?!" Irina jumps. "Oh! Hello child! What do you need help with?" Paimon looks Irina up and down, "Are you apart of the fatui..?" Irina shakes her head, "I am not." Paimon sighs in relief. "Well, Paimon's friend is really hurt! Can you please help Paimon and the traveler..?"

      Irina smiles, "Of course! Lead the way to him, child." Paimon grabs Irina's hand and pulls her towards the woods. "Oh dear Celestia! He's so injured!" Irina quickly grabs the blonde man and bring him inside her house. Irina is quick to use her vision to heal the man, "This should help with his injuries. I'll let you guys stay in the guest bedroom." Irina grabs the blonde man and gently tucks him in the bed. "You both have a good night." Irina waves at Paimon and gently shuts the door.

    (Morning Time)

     Irina jumps out of her bed startled by a sudden scream, "What's wrong?! Is anyone hurt?!" Irina opens the door to witness the blonde man struggling to get out of the bed sheets. Irina blinks, "Hello...? My name is Irina... I brought you to my house and treated your wounds." The blonde man pauses, "Are you apart of the fatui?" Irina shakes her head, "Okay.... I'm the traveler."

     Irina chuckles, "It's nice to meet you traveler! May I ask what had happened to you?" The traveler pauses, "I was attacked by Fatui in my way into Snezhnaya... I fought them off and escaped, I must have passed out..." Irina stares at the traveler horrified. "I'm so sorry....!! You can stay here for now if you like... I'm sorry you were treated that way..." Aether blinks '... She isn't asking me to do anything...?'

     Aether clears his throat, "I assume you want we to do you a favor in order to stay here. I-" Irina laughs, "I'm not asking for anything! You may stay for as long as you like!" Aether stares at Irina. ' She's.... She's not lieing... She's just genuinely this nice...!' Aether could see the genuine kindness in her eyes.... He is surprised. Aether smiles softly, "Thank you..."



    Some time has passed ever since Aether has come to stay with Irina. Aether made Irina a promise to protect her... Irina had smiled and accepted the promise, not fully understanding the full extent Aether was willing to go for her. Irina smiles while cleaning around the tables in her bakery, 'I hope Aether is okay. I did leave him food in the fridge...'

    A ding of the doorbell catches her attention, "Oh! Hello Pantalone!" Pantalone smiles and walks towards Irina. "Irina, hello. I have come for two things." Irina tilts her head, "Yes..?" Pantalone hands Irina a wanted poster, "This man is known as the traveler. He is wanted and if spotted, is to be put under arrest by the Tsaritsa's orders." Irina's eyes widened, "What did the traveler do..?"

   Pantalone sighs, "He is a threat to Snezhnaya and the Tsaritsa." Irina holds her breath, "What is the other reason you're here...?" Pantalone smiles, "I also came to buy some more of your pastries." Irina sighs in relief, "Of course! Here you are, sir!" Irina hands Pantalone the pastries and leads him out of the bakery. "Thank you for warning me.... I'll contact the authorities if I see him." Pantalone smiles and walks away, "Goodbye, Irina. Have a nice night." Irina waves and closes up the bakery, "I'll warn him once I get home..."

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