1.) a normal school life

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So this is not how I wanted it to be. Sitting in school all day is something I really don't like. As I was five years old I thought that I don't need school, because I wanted to be a soccer player and soccer players don't need school. They don't need education, because why would you need that, when you play soccer.

On the field you don't need chemistry or math. You don't need to know about what Shakespeare wrote or when Columbus found America.

I thought soccer is all I need. Soccer is the love of my life. I don't need something else.

Apparently I was right. I hate school. I could be on the field now, but I'm sitting in my history class, waiting for it to be over. I'm not gonna lie. I love history. It's my favorite subject, because I love to know about the past and all that random shit(sorry about my manners. It will not happen again... hopefully).

But I would rather be outside and sprint after a ball than being where I am right now.

Yesterday I made this really cool bicycle kick and-

"Miss Jackson. I would really appreciate it when you would listen to my teaching and to not day-dream the whole time." The voice of my history teacher Mrs. Benett called me out.

My eyes wandered from a bird outside the window to the fuming eyes of my teacher. I stared at her for a while. Then I nodded and said: "Im sorry miss. My bad. It will not happen again."

"I hope so, because if it happens again you will get detention, even as a good stundent as you are." , she said and turned back to the bord.

I sighed quietly and let my head rest on my table.

"You and your attitude, man. It will get you in trouble one day." , said a voice next to me.

I looked up to my best friend since eleven years. James Johnson. One of the friendlys persons I know. That doesn't say that much now, because I don't really know many people. But I can assure that he is a really happy person. Even if we are here in this hell place, he is nice and overjoyed.

I don't know how I ended up with him as my best friend. I mean, I'm a sarcastic bitch (did it again), who doesn't care about anything exept soccer and her best friends. I am someone, who doesn't think twice about something and do what I want. Unfortunately for some of my fellow human beings, I'm also outrageously smart. Otherwise I wouldn't be on this school. I wish I wasn't gifted. But here I am.

A fucking boarding school for people with high IQ. Whos idea was that? And not just that. A fucking boarding school who forms gifted children into fucking agents. The government is crazy.

"I don't care if my attitude is not on point. I'm am in a house full of gifted kids. It's driving me insane.", I replied James.

"You will get detension and-"

"I said I don't care, James.", I interrupted him. Okay, that was unpolite, Hannah. Get your shit together. This is your friend. "Sorry, James. I just really hate it here."

James gave me a small smile. "I know. Me too. They say they would give us missions to help the government fight the crime, but in our eleven years here, Hannah, we didn't get one single mission. What are they waiting for? We are the best ones of this school. Even Paul Thomson got a mission and he is a jackass."

"I know. I don't understand this either, but what can we do about it? The government decides who does a mission. I think they don't like us that much.", I said.

"But why? We are both the most qualified ones. I mean look at you. Photographic memory, top grades, the best on this school. You even have the black belt in karate and the highest things you can get in any other martial art. You're the best of the best. What is wrong with them?", he said frustrated.

"As I said, they don't like me. And even if-"

"Miss Jackson. When you don't day-dream you talk.Too much. One more time and you really get detention.", Mrs. Benett said angry.

I just sighed and turned to the bord. I really hate it here.


After history class James and I usually have lunch and then martial arts. One of my favorite. I just love to punch something, or better, someone.

We sat down on our table in the back, where we sit every day. No one sits there, mostly because of me. They are too afraid to be near me, because they're scared that I finish them with my words. I'm quite good in talking to someone until they cry. Don't get me wrong. I don't do this to everyone. Just the ones, who are mean. But that is what they don't realize. I have nothing against my classmates as long as they don't annoy me.

James and I ate our food, which is not so bad as I think it would be in the beginning. In any case, it's better than normal schools, that's what I was told.

As I looked around the cafeteria, I noticed a girl standing in the hallway looking really lost. I never saw her before and she seems like she is in our age, which is quite odd.

"Hey James. Do you know this girl?"

James looked up from his food and looked around. "Which girl?"

"The red-head. Three o'clock."

James looked in this direction. "I think this is Emily Gramstein. Her parents didn't want her to be on this school, because they didn't want their daughter in danger. She was homeschooled, but now the government found her. She is very intelegent with languages, so I've been told. But her parents- Oh shit. Hannah, she saw us staring at her. Now she comes in our direction. What should we do and-"

"Shhh, James, keep your cool.", I tried to shush him.

The girl, Emily, was now standing at our table."Hey, can I sit here? All other tables are full."

I just wanted to give her a nasty answer as James hit me under the table. I looked at him and his eyes said something like don't fuck this up and be polite you little bitch. Okay maybe that wasn't really his words, but something along these lines.

"Sure. You can sit here." I pressed out.

"Cool. So, my name is Emily. I'm new here. And who are you?"

"I'm James and that is Hannah. We are here since we were five, so we know everything that is going on here."

"So you're the experts here. That is so cool. Did you do a mission yet?"

James and I looked at each other.

"No, we didn't get the opportunity yet. But hopefully soon.", answered James for both of us.

"I wish you good look. I wish I get a mission soon too, even when I'm new here. You know, this was my dream for a long time. Helping the government to save people and to do something good for the humanity. My parents didn't want me to be here, but now I am. I'm so exited.", Emily told us, the exitement clear in her voice.

James and I looked at each other again. Poor girl. She doesn't know what to expect.


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