Chapter 8 - Part Two: Stay Safe

Start from the beginning

"All the more reason to welcome Peril here. Where second chances are the point." Clay explained.

I sighed and spouted out what I thought was common knowledge, especially to members of the royal family. "The agreement between was amnesty for everyone. No grudges, no revenge."

Icicle turned to her brother. "I'll send a messenger to Queen Glacier tonight."

"Time for you to meet the others." Clay murmured to Peril. I turned on my heels as two more gongs sounded.

"Time for history! Come on, Winter!" Kinkajou bubbled over with excitement.


"Ugh. I don't like it down here." Kinkajou complained as we walked closer to the history cave.

When we walked in Kinkajou's face lit up as she was a bright blue and yellow RainWing. "Oh! Skua! This is Tamarin!" She gestured to the, who I could now see was blind, RainWing. "Tamarin! Skua is our new best friend. She's super funny."

Kinkajou thinks I'm funny? In what universe? I'm just me.

"Have you memorized the tunnels?" Kinkajou pointed at the blind RainWing, the she turned to me, "Tamarin came to school early to learn the school layout. I bet she knows Jade Mountain better than anyone."

Tamarin snorted. "Ha. Well, I'm still getting used to it. It's useful to have walls, in a way." I giggled. Not knowing someone was watching me from the other side of the room.

Our traitor- I mean, our teacher, called out. "Everyone, sit!" I reluctantly sat down on the cold floor. I know IceWings aren't supposed to get cold, but then again I'm only part IceWing. A warm tail slithered past as a SandWing emerged from next to me.

"Hey, did I miss anything?" She whispered.


Tamarin smiled. "This is my clawmate Onyx."

I put my claw out. "Lovely to meet you, Onyx. I'm Princess Skua." Onyx took my claw in hers an shook.

"Right, Princess." She said the word with such disregard and disrespect. I heard someone scoff in the background.

I already don't like her. She acts all high and mighty, but she's not. Webs sucks. He is the worst, why does he have to to be our teacher?

"My name is Webs. As a Talon of Peace, I helped raise the Dragonets of Destiny, and taught them Pyrrhia's history. They've asked me to teach it to you. We'll start with The Scorching-"

"I have a question." Icicle interjected. I sighed loudly, harboring a glare from Winter. "About the SkyWing who burns everything she touches. Not even frostbreath works on her. Is there a way to kill her?" I shot a burning glare at Icicle. Why would anyone, Besides Scarlet of course, want to kill Peril? She is awesome when you get to know her.

"That's... a rather gruesome topic." Webs countered.

"I'm Onyx. And I'd like to know more about Thorn. It's unprecedented to have a queen from outside the royal family, right?"

"Well not exactly-"

Webs was interrupted by an outburst of rage on Qibli's part. "Thorn is the best SandWing queen ever! If you think you could do better, maybe you should challenge her."

"That's my point. Can anyone become queen now? In other tribes, too?"

Moon spoke up as well. "Are we going to learn about NightWings?" I thought this was a bit unpredictable, but who cares. "I mean, historically, like two thousand years ago? Like where they lived, or, um-" Why such a specific time frame? I wondered quietly to myself.

Turtle passed me a scroll. "Thanks, Sir Fancy-claws." I giggled at the childhood nickname. Turtle blushed red.

Webs looked frustrated. As he should, only a traitor deserves this kind of frustration. "None of this is relevant to today's topic, which is The Sorching." Webs cleared his throat. "We'll begin at the beginning. Five thousand years ago, before tribes or kingdoms, when scavengers swarmed the continent-" There was a rustling of parchment as Webs told us to get out the first map on our scroll.


After what felt like two millennia I finally got to walk away from that stupid classroom with the teacher that made watching algae grow fun.

I walked out of the cave and into the hallway with my scroll tucked under my wing. I felt Winter's stare on my back. Qibli was having a glaring contest with Onyx. Kinkajou was sunbathing in an alcove with Tamarin, and Turtle was in deep conversation with the, my favorite SeaWing in the whole wide expanse of Pyrrhia, Pike.

This left me alone.

I twisted this way and that, not caring where I was going, until I finally headed to the prey center for supper. That was, until I decided I wasn't hungry and headed to explore the art cave.

Sadly, there were two other dragons there. Moon and another NightWing, I think his name was Mightyclaws.

I nodded to them as I walked in and I headed to an open canvas.

I dipped my paintbrush into the jar and, subconsciously, stroked the canvas. I sat there like that for about 2 hours.

Just sitting there. Wallowing in thought and the only motions I made where to, a) get another brush, b) add more paint to the brush, and c) stroke the brush along the canvas.

I inevitably created a serene scene. It was of waves crashing on a sandy beach.

The only odd thing about it was that I had drawn two silhouettes, one of a taller, SandWing and the other- me.

{1419 words}

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in like, two days, so here is another chapter for ya. I hope you like the little cliffhanger.

Have you eaten/had anything to drink today? If not, please go treat yourself to a nice glass of water or a snack. Or both! You need nutrients, and I know this because I'm smart enough to know you deserve the world. Qibli, Skua, Ice, Moon, Kinkajou, Turtle, Winter, and Carnelian all agree that you do. So- Go. Eat.

I love you all!

Best wishes!


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