🥕/ 🐰 / 🥕

Mulai dari awal


I smiled a little and kneeled down to his eye level, placing a hand on his head softly.

"Look. I can't promise that last part. But I promise that all of us are getting out of here." I spoke in a determined manner, trying to reassure Gregory.

"I have identified two possible exit points!" Freddy's voice made Gregory, and I turn to him.

"One is at the loading docks below the Pizzaplex, and the other is the fire escape!" The bear chirped happily, looking at us. "You can finally get out, Gregory!"

"Yeah but...but.." Gregory looked at me then Freddy, before sighing and crossing his arms.

"Fine...fine...but you better promise that you'll be able to leave too!" He stared at me with a demanding look. I just smiled back.

"I will..."


My one good eye frantically searched through the cameras, trying to find for any sort of movement. Trying to look for..for her.

"(Y/n)..." I muttered to myself, getting more and more impatient by the minute.

"My sweet love..oh my sweet girl. Where are you..?

Where are you....?" My voice cracked with desperation, my blood boiling when I couldn't see her on the monitors.

"Goddamnit!" I banged my fists on the table and swept everything off it, mugs and pen holders and a keyboard getting littered on to the ground with a loud crash. I felt the bubbling feeling in my throat, letting it loose as I laughed hysterically, feeling like I was losing it.

"(Y/N)!" I gasped through my fits of giggles. "PLEASE, COME BACK TO ME! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!"

I kept begging and begging, tears starting to well up in my eyes as well. I need her...I need her touch..now.


I continued to let loose fits of unhinged laughter, pulling at my hair and getting it messier.

"Please!! Please! I need you! I don't want to lose you! Please!! It hurts so bad...please..." My voice eventually grew quiter as I hugged myself, rocking back and forth as I sat on the ground.

"My love...my love.." I mumbled, barely above a whisper.

"-ny...Vanny!!" William's stern voice scolded me inside my head.

"Get back on track, you idiot! Stop yapping around and....-ack to....you were doing!"

His voice grew quiter in some parts, but I didn't care..I wasn't listening to him.

"(Y/n)..." I repeated, staring at the ground, with a teary face and a numb grin.

"Vanny!!" William shouted this time.

"She still loves me...right? My sweet Carrots still loves me...oh...baby..." I giggled quietly and looked out at the door.

I just want her with me..

I need her with me.

"I never should have let you have your way. Now look at you. A pitiful mess on the ground."

I stayed silent, staring blankly at the wall.

"Oh Vanny. You poor thing. See? This is why I said it was a bad idea to keep her alive. You're just going to get distracted from your duties. But I can help you."

No response.

"I can help you make (Y/n) yours forever. You two will always stay side by side. And trust me...I know how to do that."

~●Harvest Season●~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang