* Oh! Good morning, Miss! There's a present in your room from the mister. * he got surprised by her when he was going to wash some plates. Then, he finished his talk with a wink and returned to wash the plates.

* A present?! * she got surprised.

She went to the room and found her bed full of beautiful and quiet colored dresses. She couldn't keep her smile away, but quickly, she returned to her serious face, which empty of any reactions. She picked up one of them, then she read the letter, which was on it.


I hope you liked them.
I'll be waiting for you in the

Again! She smiled, and she erased it quickly after a few seconds. She stared at the light blue dress with short sleeves, which made of tulle and reaches the knees. She was confused about...

1- why he did that?

2- From where did he bring them?

3- The most important question is... What does he want from all of this?

During that, the mister was in the garden checking on his flowers which make him still alive while the servant was serving food on a midum table with silver legs and two silver chairs with backs made of glass.

* She loved the dresses, right? * the mister, said.

* Of course, your majesty. She's the one really as the gods and goddesses said. I smell the scent of our past life flying around us.* the servant talked from behind with a  smile while he's arranging the dishes.

* Maybe... But, I'm still considering her as a prey and I will finish her soon like the others.* he sighed with a little anger as he talked, then he added to his talk with a tone made of quiet and anger. Two minutes later, he turned to sit at the table.

* Isn't there any curse can treat his arrogance. * the servant sighed, with boredom and annoyance, then he talked whispered, with disdain.

After fifteen minutes, she walked out to the garden and walked towards him while he's standing at the table and wearing the same black cloak. He didn't expect that he would get enchanted by her overall appearance, mixed with her hazel eyes and brownish hair. She mixed the color of the sky with the color of the earth.

He thinks she made her decision by wearing one of the dresses quickly and easily, but unfortunately, no!... She was going through an inner fight with her mind and her heart. Thoughts were forcing her to not distract by this present and just focus on her escaping from here while her feelings tell ask " How he could be bad after he brought you those beautiful dresses? ".

Note💡: Distract means: to make someone stop giving their attention to something.

At the last moments, she was about to throw those dresses on the floor and ignore him until the end of the day, but she changed her mind. Maybe, if she accepted to meet him, he would at least help her to get out of this so fucking quiet and crazy world.

* I thought about having the breakfast outside. Also, you may have not seen those little soldiers, which decorate the garden. * after he sat her at the table and he went to sit on the opposite chair, too, he talked while they're starting eating food. Then, he mentioned the flowers that litrally decorate the garden.

* Thank you! For the dresses! * she stopped eating after he finished his talk, and that made him wondering. Then, she thanked him.

Thanking a monster isn't simple or easy at all. She considers that as a thanking for eating her later. But insider, she was so glade because she finally can change her clothes which she had worn them for a few days as she thinks.

* No worries!... Oh, now what!* he laughed, shortly and talked, then he backed to eat. Well, she stayed staring at him, even it made him annoyed and throw the spoon on the table, even it hit the bowl.

* What? * she leant her back on the chair's back, fearly and shocked.

* You're staring at me as if I'm a monster who eats like a classy human being... Oh, sorry! I mean... never mind. * he said in a childish tone, but her staring at him like "Excuse me!! " made him realize what he've said, and instead fixing it, he got confused.

Afterwards, he took her in a round at the big garden for meeting his flowers, even he explained each flower's job in terms of treating, healing, killing, and so on. He didn't mean to do that, but her interest in learning more about the flowers as she used to read about that in the fantasy books forced him to do that, unintentionally.

Note💡: Unintentionally mean: it's not meant to do something.

He wasn't feeling himself explaining and talking about the flowers until he noticed her sad eyes and a sudden cloud of depression was above her her. He stared at her a little, then he asked with a low tone, making his rough voice turn into a gentle one.

* Are you okay? *

* I just missed... Him. * sadness was covering her while she talks, then she got silent for a moment, and continued talking in a lower tone, but he could hear it.

He doesn't know why he got angry when she talked about her boyfriend, rather her ex-boyfriend after what he did. He's feeling much hatred towards him, even it's not his business at all. She made him wake up from thinking when she apologized for going back to her room. He stared at her back, consulting himself about allowing her to see or not.

He ran behind her and when he found her climb the stairs, he stopped her, telling her to come with him. " It's a magical thing." He said when he felt her hesitation. He could understand her how much she's interested in reading fantasy books and stories, so mentioning " magic" in his talk was the key for making him come with him.

🌸 End of the chapter 🌸

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