| Year 3 | Chapter 5: Back to school

Start from the beginning

"Oh God, you're one to talk!" I turn away from him, trying to be resolute. In reality, I just feel too tired to fight with him. I don't even want to fight with him. "I'm doing fine Harry. Besides, it's you Black wants."

Harry remains awfully quiet. Either he's really angry and just doesn't want to lash out, or he's scared too. "I'll be fine. He won't get to me. You know that, right? We're going back to Hogwarts anyway!"

"I don't think Hogwarts can shield you from Black." I keep packing my clothes, in order to busy myself. I've been trying not to worry too much, but I do. Harry puts so much trust in Dumbledore's protection, it's unnerving.

For a few seconds, Harry doesn't say any- thing. "Dumbledore will. It's the safest place to be right now." Well, nowhere is truly safe if you look at it like that.

"Is this about what happened last year?"

"Of course it is!" I heave a frustrated sigh. "Hermione got petrified, Vanessa too. Ginny almost died for God's sake!"

"And you almost died..." Harry adds it in an uneasy manner and when I look up at him, he doesn't really look me in the eyes. "I know. But this year will be different."

I sure as hell hope so.


The morning after, we are woken up early by Mrs. Weasley. I have a hard time coming out of bed, because it's still too soon after the full moon.

"We have to go Lu," Harry practically drags me downstairs for breakfast.

"Too late last night?" George asks as he sits down in the seat next to me. He has no idea of course, just like the other others minus Harry, Ginny and Liliana.

Speaking of which, Ginny and Liliana still haven't come down. "Are they still in bed?" Mrs. Weasley sighs, seeming a bit annoyed.

"They stayed up too late last night and now Ginny's moaning about being tired." I snort, because if it weren't for Harry and the full moon's aftermath, that would've been me as well.

When everyone is finally ready to leave, we are surprised when we step outside and Mr. Weasley ushers us into cars. Normal working muggle cars.

"What're those for?" Fred asks his dad, who just responds that it's easier and the Ministry had been so kind as to lend them to him. I notice however, that he looks to me and Harry for a very brief moment.

He obviously got them because of Sirius Black.

I was in a car with Liliana, Ginny and Mrs. Shacklebolt, Liliana's mom. "Are you excited for the new year kids?"

"Hell yes!" Liliana always gets enthusiastic whenever we talk about Hogwarts and I can't blame her: I love it there too.

"At least you will all be saved from all the commotion with Sirius Black," Mrs. Shackle- bolt says, looking at me through the rearview window. "Yeah, I guess... but isn't he supposed to be after Harry?"

Mrs. Shacklebolt stiffens and I instantly feel like I shouldn't have said that. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Shacklebolt, I swear I didn't mean to..."

I almost start panicking at her lack of a response. I've seen Liliana's mom enough by now to know she isn't one to be speechless easily.

"I mean, you are right," Liliana says, before I get the chance to apologize any more. "We know he's after them Mom. You don't have to try to 'protect' them, like everyone else."

Mrs. Shacklebolt eventually heaves a sigh. "Maybe you're right. But don't worry Lucy, Dumbledore will be there, Sirius Black won't be able to hurt either of you."

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