Chapter 71. Tatyana's anger.

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Yasenia separated a bit and looked at her violet eyes. Her golden eyes shone with happiness as she smiled. "Sure! I love you, Dear~."

Yasenia asked shyly, "Can I fill you one more time~?"

Evelyn looked outside and saw that dawn was near. She said, "twelve minutes as much as you like, let's go cultivate after that."

Yasenia turned Evelyn and laid her face down, then Yasenia bit Evelyn's nape and thrust quickly and strongly.

Evelyn thought she would die of pleasure during these twelve minutes; Yasenia came six times! Worse, all loads were fertile, making her brain go deep into the Pleasure Heaven!

(Author: END of the R-18 scene)

After the deed, Yasenia picked up the fully pumped and limp Evelyn with a satisfied smile and went to bathe her. Yasenia thought with a smile, 'A full wife is a satisfied wife! Mom is truly wise!'

Our dear dragoness took the literal meaning of that saying! Well, who can blame her when the person that told her the saying is doing it also the literal way...

Yasenia's thought wandered while bathing Evelyn, 'Should I try with Angel and Andrea? They might accept... But we are indeed too young and weak for children....'

A new determination to become stronger grew in Yasenia's heart.

Yesterday's situation repeated, with Yasenia coming down with Evelyn in her arms and Evelyn's face buried in her neck. However, while receiving the pampering of the dragoness, Evelyn was speaking, "We are almost late to cultivate! Did your brain go to your melons?"

Yasenia sat and put Evelyn's breakfast in front of her, then she picked a spoon and started to feed Evelyn Evelyn continued speaking from her lap, "*Munch munch munch* You have to learn to control yourself! *Munch munch munch* Although I love that part of you, you have to, *munch munch munch* learn to control yourself sometimes!"

Yasenia smiled while receiving her earful, thinking, 'She looks so cute! Eat dear, and grow bigger~.' Evelyn's earful seemed to be going in through one ear and leaving from the other...

Andrea laughed and said in her deep and clear voice, "You are not very convincing the way you are sitting, Evelyn. I think Yasenia is more focused on your munching than your voice!"

Evelyn looked questioningly and then analyzed her position. She was seated sideways in Yasenia's lap while being fed, and Yasenia's tail was petting her head. Moreover, Yasenia had a gentle smile and gave her kisses from time to time. 'I'm being completely pampered while scolding her!'

Evelyn pouted, and Yasenia didn't lose her chance to kiss Evelyn's pouty lips. Then, she licked her lips and said, "Today's breakfast is delicious."

Evelyn blushed and buried her head in Yasenia's neck, stopping talking.

Yasenia said, "Auction time today! I hope that my words sank in yesterday and that no more people bother us today...."

Tatyana said, "They did not. It seems that the Tang and Long families are having a meeting today. They are probably planning something to make you look bad. They most likely will change sides and ally with our adversaries. It's a shame I can't simply destroy them and get done with it."

Evelyn sneered, "With Tatyana and Yasenia, they will fail whether the juniors or seniors come; their fate is to be beaten to a pulp."

Angel and the others raised an eyebrow teasingly. Evelyn noticed their looks and then analyzed what she said. She hastily tried to defend herself, "I did n- "

Angel cut her off with an 'I understand' face, "I understand, Mommy Tatyana is just too good."

Evelyn blushed and said, "That is not... What do you mean with Mommy Tatyana!?"

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