The Dreaded Mountain; Led Astray

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The three turtles, along with Wick continued their travels along the path. With them they brought their horses, and the wizard brought his carriage full of spells.

"Oof!" grunted the wizard "Watch where you're going Wick."

"Yes sir." answered Wick.

"By the way, I never properly introduced myself." said the wizard "My name is Erigg."

"My name is Leo, and my large friend is named Rain."

     "It is good to meet you Leo. Rain." greeted Erigg "By the way, where exactly are we heading?"

     "I'm not sure." answered Leo.

     "You're not sure?!?" gasped Erigg.

     "Well not completely. But I know the purpose of which I travel." said Leo.

     "And you trust him?!?" asked Erigg to Rain.

     "Of course." answered Rain.

     After the four traveled a couple of miles they came across a fork in the road. A wooden sign stood in the middle of the two roads. The left led to a spiraling narrow mountain. The right went straight on, into a valley of tall grass.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" complained Erigg "Let's get moving."

"Wait." commanded Leo "Something doesn't feel right."

Leo looked towards the valley. Within him, even though it looked like the safest way out, he sensed danger. He wasn't sure, but something was telling him to take the left and go up the dangerous mountain. Leo, trusting this feeling, pointed his horse to the left and continued on.

"We're taking that side?!?" said Erigg "The other side looks so much safer!"

"Trust me." said Leo, not turning back or stopping.

"Trust you?!? Trust you?!?" said Erigg "Do you trust him?!?"

"Yes." answered Rain, following behind Leo, leaving Erigg no choice but to do the same.

     Within the valley however, behind the tall grass, Ixnus and Shadowlord's assassins hid, watching the four take the other path.

     "They are going for the mountain. What now?" asked one of the assassins.

     "Let them cross." answered Ixnus "We will ambush them in the Dark Swamps."


     Hours passed, night began to fall, Leo, Rain, Erigg and Wick made their way up the narrow, crumbling mountain path.

     "Careful Wick." said Erigg, looking in the wagon at his spells "This place is dangerous, just take it easy."

     "Damned clouds seem to be gathering above." Rain pointed out "Leo, I think it might be wise that we hurry."

"If we go to fast we may fall off the edge, just stick closer to the mountain." commanded Leo.

"But if we don't hurry..."

"We'll be fine Rain, just..."

About midway up the mountain path Leo stopped dead in his tracks. His grew wider and he found himself in a deep dark area,

"Where am I?" said Leo "What is this place?"


"Master? Is that you again?"

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