38. Sunfyre

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When Davina and Aemond landed Sunfyre growled at them. Fury had always been the alpha, much like Davina and reminded Sunfyre that they were family and to stop bitching. 

Davina moved to Sunfyre running a gentle hand over his scales. 

"Meleys did this?" Davina rasped, Meleys used to be her mothers dragons, Davina grew up babbling to Meleys.

"Yes, but Meleys is dead." Aemond added. "Rhaenys too."  Davina couldnt speak she just nodded looking at the torn wing. 

"You know I just the man to help with Sunfryes broke wing." Davina remarked. 

"Fury's wing..." Aemond realized.  "who helped you with that?" Aemond questioned. 

"Cregan Stark." Davina answered. "You want to fly to winterfell with me and pick up the starks?" 

"Thanks for not flying away this time." aemond remarked. 

"Honestly if I disappeared again you wouldnt be stopped." Davina remarked. 

"I really wouldnt. I would find you."

"I'm glad I have you looking out for me." Davina agreed. "Sunfyre, dont worry we are bringing reinforcements." Davina assured. "Stay strong honey, Aegon misses you." She added. "Come on, lets get us some wolves." 

"You miss her, i miss her we should go to the capital!" Sara declared. 

"No." Cregan corrected. "We are starks we belong-"

"You and the queen!" Sara squealed. "Come on, its so boring without her. We can leave for the capital and it will take a moon to get there and you will really miss her by then." 

"I want her but... we sort of agreed, a silent agreement that we... we wouldnt... we..."

"Shut up Cregan!" Sara demanded. "You know you love her, you know you want her, you confessed it and she kissed you. SHe likes you too now fight for her!" 

"Sara its not that simple." Cregan corrected. 

"Yes it is, you go and tell her you can't live without her." 

"Clearly I am living without her." Cregan sassed. 

"You have been brooding around winterfell since she left, I can't handle it, come on lets get on a horse and go!" Sara declared when Luna stared yipping at the window and scratching at the paneling. 

"She sees something." Cregan remarked moving to the door. Luna ran out at a sprint. 

"She sees dragons." Sara rasped running outside. 

"Fucking hell." Cregan rasped looking to the skies to see two dragons landing in the woods behind the castle. "Davina..."

"SHe wants you!" Sara called back. "She came back for you!" 

"maybe she came back for you." Cregan mused chasing after her. 

"That would be cool." Sara agreed. 

"LUNA!" Davina shouted. "Move you are going to get smashed!"  Luna jumped up and Fury gently landed around her with a huff. "Dogs, what are you going to do?" Davina mused sliding off Fury's back as Aemond climbed down from Vhagar. 

"It's cold." Aemond remarked already shivering. Davina hooked her arm with him, giving him a squeeze. 

"Welcome to the frozen fucking north." Davina agreed. Luna jumped up dancing around Fury happily before running to Davina and licking at her legs. "Missed you too, pup." Davina agreed. 

"Davina!" Sara declared launching into her arms. 

"Hey kid," Davina answered holding onto her. 

"Who's this?" Sara questioned finally seeing Aemond. 

"This is..." Davina saw Cregan moving closer to them, hesitantly. "You scared of me Cregan?" Davina questioned. 

"No I just... I didnt expect to see you again. At least not for a while." Cregan admitted. 

"You want me to leave?" She mused taking a step back. 

"No." Cregan said to desperately. 

"Good because I have a favor to ask." Davina agreed. "But first, Sara, Cregan, I would like to introduce you to my son, Aemond." Davina said looking to Aemond, his nose was already red and cold, his cheeks frozen. 

"Nice to meet you." Aemond remarked holding back a shiver. 

"good to meet you too, your mother talked about you a lot." Cregan remarked. Aemond smiled back at her. She touched his frozen face.  

"Yeah the weather is an adjustment." Davina agreed. "Can we go inside to talk so I dont lose Aemond to frost bite?"

"Come on," Sara declared holding onto Davinas hand leading her back inside. 

"Thank you for taking care of my mother and Fury when they fell." Aemond remarked as they walked. 

"Of course, I was happy to help. Davina- the queen- your mother is an amazing woman." Cregan didnt know if Davina told anyone about them. Certainly wouldnt tell her children about a fling she had with a north man. 

"Okay, Sara can you get Aemond something hot to drink?" Davina questioned and Sara saluted her as she headed to the kitchen. "honey why dont you warm up by the fire while I talk to Cregan." Aemond nodded moving to the fire in the main room. Davina took a seat in one of the couches Cregan sat beside her. 

"What can I do for you, your grace?" Cregan questioned as Aemond tried to get feeling back to his fingers. 

"SUnfyre, my son Aegons dragon got hurt." Davina remarked. "I want to fly you and Sara out and see if you can't make him a new wing." 

"A new tail fin wing?" Cregan questioned. 

"No, his wing, wing is torn." She flapped her arms. 

"I can't make him a complete wing." Cregan corrected. 

"I know that." davina agreed. "its still attached but... I want him home. I want you to look at him see if you can make him something, even if its temporary to help him fly so he can be comfortable at home to heal." Davina requested. 

"You would fly me out?" Cregan questioned. 

"Fastest way to travel." Davina agreed. "What do you say?"

"YES!" Sara declared. "I will pack a bag!" She passed off the tea and ran to her chambers. 

"I'm taking it, Cregan pack a bag." Davina remarked. "You are going to the capital."

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