~25~ "Sick."

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Wow, haven't updated this in a while.. don't worry i'm back with it! Anyways enjoy<3

Michael POV:
I woke in Noah's arms, my face buried in his chest. I groaned and wiggled out of his grasp, hoping out of bed and going to the bathroom. I started coughing a bit more than I did in a row, which started hurting my throat.

"Ow.. what the hell?" I touched my throat which felt very hot. I touched my forehead, and as expected, hot as well. I hummed and went outside back to Noah. "N-Noah.. where is the thermometer.." I whispered. He groaned and fluttered his eyes open.

"Why do you need that babe.." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. "My forehead feels really hot and i'm coughing a lot." I whispered again. He opened his eyes once again and slowly sat up. "Mmh.. give me a minute.." He yawned and got up, walking over to the cabinets.

I sneezed again and covered my mouth. He came over to me and touched my forehead. "You're burning up. Open your mouth." I opened my mouth and he stuck the thermometer under my tongue. It felt uncomfortable, so I shut my eyes and whimpered.

"I know it feels uncomfortable, just hold on a second love." A few seconds past and he took it out. "You have a fever darling." "As expected." I annoyingly said. He chuckled and wrapped his hands around me. "It's okay love, i'll take care of you." I nodded while trying to sleep on his chest, but I just couldn't because of how hot I was.

"I'm so fucking hot..." I whispered. Noah kissed my forehead and pat my head. "Do you need anything? Like a tea?" He asked. "Mmh.. a tea would be nice.." "Any?" "Mhm.." "Okay darling. Just lay down for now and i'll go make the tea for you." He smiled as he sat me down.

I nodded and layed back down on the bed. He walked out of the room and I heard his footsteps trailing off into the kitchen. I sighed and curled into a ball. I don't even know how I got a fever, it just suddenly came.

I held the pillow close to me and just rested until Noah came back. A few minutes later, he came back with a tea. "I've got your tea darling." I opened my eyes and sat up, scooting on the edge. "Thank you love.."

I took the tea from his hands gently and took a sip. I licked my lips and layed back down. "You aren't just gonna leave it there, are you?" He chuckled. "No, i'm just gonna take a nap and then drink it, i'm tired." I said, letting out a small yawn.

"Can you cuddle me?" I whispered as I extended my arms, giving him the hint. "Sure baby." He came on the other side of the bed and scooted next to me, cuddling me in his arms. "Since your sick I guess you can sleep as much as you want." He smiled. I chuckled and cuddled into his chest, before finally being able to fall asleep peacefully.

524 words! I'm sorry this was short, I wanted to get something out<3 I'll be posting much more on this book now tho! I hope you guys enjoyed<3

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