Four - Part 2

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– Next Day–

The concert was...eventful. Very eventful to say the least. So eventful that I've decided to explain everything that happened in great detail on my Youtube channel.

After waking up this morning with the events of last night still weighing heavily on my mind, there was no way my subscribers couldn't hear my point of view, especially since Nathan singing to me was going viral on TikTok.

I walked over to my desk where my laptop was sitting and I started writing out some notes I knew I was going to touch on in my video. After about 30 minutes of me doing this, of me deciding what I wanted to say and what I wanted to leave out, I decided that what I wanted to let my subscribers know was a decent amount of information. I'll also make sure to remain respectful.

Getting my tripod that was sitting next to my TV, I started to set up the camera, getting ready to record everything that I wanted to say. Due to the length of this video, I wanted it to be a sit-down video so I changed the height of my tripod to make sure that it was low enough to get me speaking from the waist up.

When I hit the record button I started speaking:

"Hey guys, it's your girl Lori and welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, I hope you stay awhile. In this video, I decided to give you guys a complete rundown of what happened to me last night. I know that a lot of you have seen it on social media. I'm aware that it's trending and I thought that it would be weird if I didn't at least come on here and tell you guys my experience as well as give you guys some tea as to what happened after the show." I scrunched up my face as a way to hint to my subscribers that what I was going to say wasn't going to be pleasant.

"So let's get right on into this video. So as I'm sure you guys all know me and my friends got tickets to go see The Right Ones in concert last night. I was not aware that we were going to be on stage at all. This was a very spur-of-the-moment kind of thing and it was a complete surprise. What had happened was, my girls and I were standing in line getting ready to go into the venue and it just so happened that a family member of The Right Ones had been in the line with us and was looking for people that the boys could bring on stage to sing to."

"So she looks at me and my friend and tells us that she thinks that she wanted to pick us to go on stage. And of course, that's like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Why would we say no right? So throughout the entire concert, me and my friend were so excited just waiting for the moment that the boys were going to bring girls on stage and when the time finally came it was a complete shock when I found out that Nathan was going to sing songs from his solo album. It was also a shock when I found out that he specifically wanted to sing a song to me. Which is why it took me so long to come out onto the stage when he was calling for me backstage.

When I got on stage, I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach because there were so many people watching and on top of that I did see people recording so just knowing that millions of people were going to capture this moment was a really huge thing for me. And I know that I'm a YouTuber and I take videos of myself all the time and document stuff going on in my life all the time but it's on such a grander scale when you're literally in front of the whole world because The Right Ones have such a huge fan base. Only a small population watches my videos, which is you guys and I'm very thankful for you guys by the way.

So Nathan brings me out and introduces me to the crowd and he starts singing The Right Girl from his album. It just so happened to be one of my favorite songs until now but we'll get to that in a moment. So he starts singing and everything is going well. He finishes singing the song and then all the other boys come back out with the other girls that were picked to come on stage and they start singing and, you know, I forgot what song they sang because I was so out of it and I felt Starstruck so I wasn't really paying much attention and I was more so trying to calm my heartbeat but I just remember them sounding great." I laughed a little bit and cleared my throat before I continued.

"So when that part of the concert was over, we went backstage and by we, I mean me and the girls and we just enjoyed the rest of the concert from an area that they took us to that was pretty close to the stage. It was really cool. We got to know each other and we exchanged numbers. I'm pretty sure we're going to hang out soon. It was just a really nice experience meeting the other two girls. When the concert ended...that's when shit went left. At least for me, it did

They took us to a room where they decided to do a quick meet and greet for me, the girls, and the boys. And in my mind, I was like 'Okay, that's so sweet. They totally did not need to do that. I would have been completely fine just having them sing to me and have me go home like everyone else' I was really pleasantly surprised by the hospitality that they were showing us. The boys finished changing and they ate a quick meal before coming to the room where we were to properly meet us.

And this is the part of the video where I speak directly about only one member of the group because I'm very disappointed in the behavior that they showed normally, like I said earlier in the video, I wouldn't do something like this but I feel like he needs to be called out for it. I know that there's a very slim chance that he'll see this video or that he will even care because I've seen people make videos like this about various celebrities and the celebrity never really says anything in response. And I'm not looking for a response, I'm basically trying to, like, share my experience with this huge celebrity. It just so happened to be a negative one, unfortunately.

So tell me why, We're all excited and we're asking the boys questions and Nathan doesn't even seem like he can be bothered. He was literally looking off into space when somebody was asking him a question and he did this numerous times. and when he did respond to questions he gave the most dry and boring response possible. It's like he genuinely didn't care and that we were even in the room. All the other boys were so responsive and they seemed like they were genuinely interested in what we were saying. It was such a nicely flowing conversation and when we tried to bring Nathan into it he just didn't really seem to care about what was going on.

But I would say that he definitely offended me when I simply asked him why he doesn't perform his solo album that much or why he didn't go on tour for the album his response was so fucking rude. He literally told me, 'Y'all wasn't supporting the album enough for me to be doin' all that. The label didn't care about it then either. All of a sudden yall wanna act brand new when y'all should've been giving me this energy the moment I dropped the shit in the first place.'" I stare into the camera with a blank look.

I continued, "I really started looking around in that moment because I'm like...'who the hell is y'all?' That album went platinum in my household I don't know about y'all." I scoff jokingly, "So I know he can't be talking about me. But me and my homegirl looked at each other and we immediately knew that we were ready to go. I don't care how famous they are or how famous he is but that is not enough for me to stay there and be disrespected the way that he just disrespected me and pretty much his whole fan base especially since his fan base loved the album he just did a shitty job promoting it, therefore, the general public didn't know much about it and it didn't get the numbers he was so desperately looking for." I roll my eyes thinking back to that moment and remembering how irritated I was causing me to shake my head.

"I'm just glad he wasn't my favorite. But to all you Nathan girls out there... sorrows, prayers." I laugh out loud after the Queen Charlotte reference knowing that my subscribers who watched my review video on the show, or just the show in general will get it.

"Nathan, if you ever see this video which I highly doubt that you will, remember to be more cautious about your word choice and about how you respond to the people that pay money to see you and your brothers perform and who buy and stream your albums and singles. You guys have one of the strongest fan bases for a boy band that I've seen since freaking One Direction and I know that your brothers appreciate that but it seems like your head is shoved too far up your ass for you to acknowledge just how lucky you are." I finished talking to him and decided to give a quick outro, beginning to get tired of this topic.

"Anyways, that wraps up today's video. I just wanted to let you guys know about my experience that I had last night because y'all were already blowing up my DM's this morning. Unfortunately, it wasn't that great but I wouldn't take any of it back like I said it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So yeah I'll see you guys in my next video. Love you and thanks for watching!"

I sigh and stand up off the ground to turn off the camera. "I don't think I'll have to edit this one too much." I'll upload it later on tonight.

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