Chapter 2 [The Bus Ride]

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Stan's POV

As everyone gets ready and is settled in Mr. Garrison starts talking 'Okay kids this will be a long bus ride so there's going to be some rules alright? ' almost everyone on the bus groans 'did y'all get that out your system? Okay good, anywho here are the rules. NO loud talking NO loud music NO annoying question like "are we there yet?? " Be patient! You are allowed to eat on the bus but keep in mind there will be one bathroom break, you are allowed to sleep/nap on the bus as long as you're not bothering anyone, that's also a rule don't bother people and BE QUIET. Okay with that we can start the trip!'

"Mr. Garrison sucks ass" I say to Kyle not too loud, he chuckles 'tell me about it' "like he said to be quiet but he's the one being loud! " I whisper yell so Mr. Garrison doesn't hear me 'Alright calm down tiger' Kyle answers jokingly 'maybe you should take a nap? I don't want to sound rude but you look really and I mean REALLY tired man' "PFFF- ME TIRED?? I don't think so Ky" I close my eyes in a smug look, Kyle just looks at me with a 'are you serious? ' look and I awkwardly smile "I would nap here but it's just too uncomfortable" I say thinking that's the best excuse 'oh well, you can just lay your head on my shoulder if that makes you more comfortable' Kyle replies, FUCK YEAH I'M NOT MISSING THIS OPPORTUNITY "Really? Thanks dude!" I lay my head on Kyle's shoulder and slowly drift to sleep while listening to bearly audible chatter... Well except Cartman his ass is loud as hell.

I'm standing in a dark room. No sound. No light. Nothing. Suddenly there's voices all around me whisper so loud that it doesn't sound like whisper anymore, their pointing out each of my mistakes each little insecurity and the room becomes smaller and smaller I can't breathe "this isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real this isn't real stop stop stop stopstopstopstop JUST SHUT UP. "

My eyes shoot open as I realise I'm on the bus just another nightmare, I kind of stare into nothing for a few seconds before taking a big breath and breathing out 'you alright dude? ' Kyle glances at me and asks "yeah I'm fine, how long was I out for? " I ask 'hmm for about 2 hours ' he answer's "damn that's quite a lot" 'You should probably have a snack since you only had two waffles for breakfast and it's been a while since that' Kyle says to me in his caring mom tone "noooo I'm too comfortable to move" I say as an excuse realizing I'm still laying on Kyle's shoulder 'dude. That's not an excuse you need to eat something. ' why does he have to care about that? It's not like I'm gonna die if I don't eat some snacks

'I-I can get t-them for you' I look to my side and see Tweek offering to get the snacks for me "really? That would be great! " I say 'just t-tell me which one you w-want' he replies "The chips and also a juice box, they are both in the small pocket of my backpack" 'Here y-you go! ' "Thank you Tweek you're awesome! " I thank him with a smile 'GAHH n-no problem! ' he replies and goes back to his seat next to Craig I see them whisper about something but it's probably not important.

I am basically laying my whole body on Kyle right now it started just as laying on his shoulder but I guess while waking up I somehow repositioned myself to where my whole body is laying on Kyle's side I don't mind though and I hope he doesn't either, by the angel I'm laying and the fact I just woke up its a bit hard to open my snacks "this is getting annoying" I mumble to myself "heyy Kyyyy" 'What do you want? ' "can you open these for me? Pleaseee? " I say trying to sound really nice and innocent 'sigh alright ya baby' Kyle takes my snacks and opens them "thanks Ky you're the best! " 'Yeah yeah' he replies while rolling his eyes.

Small Tweek POV [Just so y'all would know what they were whisper about :D ]

As I return to my seat Craig puts an arm around me and gives me a small kiss on the forehead 'it was very nice of you to help him' he says "g-gotta keep the ship alive" I reply small chuckle 'you're right they need to become a couple they look so cute together' "Y-Yeah! " giggles 'either way I'm happy you're becoming more social and helping others' Craig says with a smile on his face "Thanks Craig" I blush slightly 'now... Let's cuddle and watch a movie' "okay, I love you" 'I love you too honey'

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