Xavier: "I'll say I'm pretty confident."

Shamir: "I see...well how about a special job."

Xavier: "Special?" Shamir pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it to Xavier.

Shamir: "It is a special request asking a handful of people to hunt down a wanted man and stop his little groups of mercs from raising up. Him and his little group have been slowly making a name for themselves. I came here looking for capable fighters to help out on this mission. The quicker we put a stop to this guy, the less problems he will be in the future."

Xavier: "Noted. Well, if it pays good I'll help out."

Shamir: "Good, come with me then."

Xavier follows Shamir to the receptionist, who, after Shamir explains the mission they will be taking, the two leave the building. As they walk, Xavier begins asking Shamir some questions.

Xavier: "So how have you been over these last few months since I last saw you."

Shamir: "Same old, same old. Been taking missions, coming back, helping out Byleth and a few others. That's it."

Xavier: "What do you do for fun?"

Shamir: "Train."

Xavier: "And if training gets boring?"

Shamir: "Train some more in different ways."

Xavier: "Do you have any friends?"

Shamir: "I have people I would consider friends. Do you have anyone you would consider friends?"

Xavier: "Well, I guess my little friend here, Bibi."

Bibi: "Brrrrr."

Xavier: "I would consider Venus and Maya my friends."

Shamir: "Interesting. I would be careful around those two if I was you."

Xavier: "Hmm, why? They seem like good people?"

Shamir: "They probably are but there is something about them that would put me on high alert. I can't fully say why I get that feeling, but being in this field long enough lets you pick up a few things."

Xavier: "Ah...I see. I hope you're wrong."

Shamir: "For your sake, I hope so too." The two walked a bit more in silence before Xavier spoke up again.

Xavier: "Oh by the way how did that mission go with going into some forest?"

Shamir: "Hmm? Oh that one. Well it went as I expected to go."

Xavier: "And that was?"

Shamir: "Couldn't get far, the creature around there was much stronger then what we could against. Plus, the dense pressure around the forest kept many of us from being able to withstand it. We lost a few men but that would be expected when we went to investigate."

Xavier: "Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that...." Slayers look down.

Shamir: "Don't be; we all went on that mission some of us might not come back alive. Not everyone is skilled, gifted, or lucky to make it in some mission. So everyone does their best when they ask to and hope if they do or don't make it back they made an impact."

Xavier: "I see...."

Shamir: "That mission was considered a S class mission; I'll have to say whoever those people that were sensed in that forest were clearly far stronger than that a normal person should be."

Xavier looks off to the side with sweat dripping down his face thinking of his siblings and him. Were they really that strong and in an intense state if they were in that forest for quite a while. Guess Xavier can be happy about being in there for a bit.

The Birth of an Overseer: Slayer-The tales of an OverseerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя