Chapter 14: The Last Supper

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Twelve weeks had passed before I saw Mary and her family again. In the time it took to be invited for another dinner in Babington Cottage; nine people had died by my hand. It was another bleak, rainy day when Mary stumbled across the cave I was living in, and insisted I join them for dinner once more. I had a feeling she was going to ask me to live with them again, she seemed horrified at the prospect of my current housing arrangements. At least this time, I would be dressed appropriately. Although I was sickened at taking items of clothing off my victims, it did somewhat help me fit in. Donning my new tinted spectacles, which I had plucked off victim number five, and were slightly too big for me, I tapped lightly on the door of Babington Cottage. Almost immediately, it opened.

"Carmen!" Mary greeted me warmly, opening the door to let me in. "I'm so glad you came".

I shrugged off the cloak I had draped over my shoulders and hung it on the wall, secretly impressed with myself at my perfect execution of a human action. Mary would never know exactly how long I had practiced that today.

"Perfect timing as always, we were just about to start" Mary said happily as she led me to the table, where an impatient-looking John was already seated and, to my great surprise, Emily.

"Spectacles again, Carmen?" John asked as I took my seat beside Emily.

I forced a smile as I picked up my knife and fork and began to cut the vegetables on my plate as slowly as possible.

"How are you, John?" I asked.

"Humpf" John grunted in response as he began tearing strips off his meat like an animal.

Emily yawned loudly, seemingly unaware of her father's bad mood. Mary, on the other hand, was painfully aware, exchanging nervous looks at her husband every time he so much as cleared his throat. I had no idea why John was in such a mood, but in this moment, I didn't particularly care. I had been practising my human interactions for days in the lead up to this dinner, and I felt I was playing my role perfectly. Refusing to accept I could not be taught anything, I decided to teach myself how to act human. I listened to the chatter of the villagers from the safety of my cave, and memorised the most often used phrases. I observed the posture and body language of the locals when I stood at the edge of the settlement, and mimicked their movements. Although I had been sure to satisfy my thirst before another night in Babington Cottage, there was nothing I could do to fully extinguish the burn. Like someone covering an extremely hot fire with a heavy blanket; my pain was muted, but I never had the luxury of being completely comfortable. The pain would always be a part of me, I knew that. I had no choice but to live with it.

"Wha' do you eat wiv' dee ova' faeries, Carmen?" Emily asked, her mouth full of green vegetables.

I hadn't prepared for this question. My mind immediately returned to the previous night's hunt: the blonde carpenter, his hazel eyes, the taste of his warm blood filling my mouth...

"Carrots" I said quickly, forcing myself back to the present.

Mary looked up at me. I nodded, apparently humans did this a lot.

"I eat a lot of carrots" I said, unsure of how convincing my answer was.

Silence filled the room.

"I love carrots!" Emily said excitedly.

"We must have some for you the next time you join us for dinner" Mary agreed.

Cutlery clattered loudly onto the plate beside me. John pulled his hands back off the table, and glared at Mary. He looked as though something incredibly offensive had just been said in front of him.

"How much longer, Mary" John stated.

I assumed it was a question, but the way he said it sounded more like a statement. Mary's smile faltered.

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