A Stormy Prospect

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"Father, you cannot expect me to comply with this archaic tradition." He breathed in as Septa uttered, "archaic?" I nodded yes as I shifted my gaze toward her. "Yes, archaic. You expect me to sit and listen to the honey words of suitors who believe I am a simple-minded girl who will fall at their feet begging to bear their offspring as a dog in heat. While I wish to beat them over the head with a pillow because none of them can string a common thought together." Septa gapped as Arya outright laughed. "And what would you prefer? They compete for your hand?" Rolling my eyes, I uttered, "I would rather enjoy a simple and honest conversation. If a man cannot accept me as an equal in our marriage, then he is not someone I will wed Septa, let alone spread my legs and allow him to put a child in me." Sansa squeaked, surprised as I stood. "Where have you..." How dare you say such things in front of your sisters!" Ignoring her increasingly loud tone, I gathered my letters saying, "my sisters have seen dogs breed and give birth, Septa. It does not take a Maester to figure out how a babe is conceived." I turned to leave when she stuttered, "Lord Stark, she will bring shame to...." Stopping, I glanced back and said, "there is no shame in finding a man that will be good, gentle, strong, kind, and brave. If it means I remain unwed and a maid long after my siblings, then I will. It is my future, Septa, and I will determine if the man I marry is worthy of sharing his life with me." With that said, I left to give Poole my post.

After gifting my letters to Poole, I retired to the gardens and discovered Lord Renly milling about. Annoyed by his presence, I turned to leave when he said, "my Lady, I did not expect to find you here at such an early hour." Breathing deeply, I calmly said, "nor did I expect to be out here." He appeared confused. "Forgive me, Lord Renly. I have recently encountered a truth I did not wish to know, and instead of keeping my anger to myself, I have laid it at your feet." He moved to approach me as I swiftly distanced myself from him. "I seem to have interrupted your solitude. Do excuse me." Before he could reply, I curtsied and turned to leave when he suddenly uttered, "you have interrupted nothing, Ilyanna."

Stopping, I glanced back and cautiously asked, "what do you mean?" With a breath, he uttered, "it is just you assumed that you were interrupting me when in relation. The only interruption you made was how I would scale your tower to ask if you would be interested in taking a walk." Nodding, I opened my mouth to respond to his inquiry when I heard, "She-Wolf." Turning my head, I observed an approaching Lannister. Ignoring him, I politely uttered, "if you have the time, I am open to enjoying a walk now, my Lord." Renly blinked, surprised by my acceptance, and with a hasty nod, approached to take hold of my arm. Smiling, I allowed him to lead me, ignoring the dumbfounded gaze Lannister held.

While grateful to escape Lannister's company, I sadly listened to Renly dully express his comments regarding his brothers, the court, and the parties he recently attended, as we covered most of the gardens surrounding the Red Keep. Walking past an open archway, I noticed Ser Barristane sparing with a member of the Kingsguard. Halting, I asked, "do you think Ser Barristane is happy?" Renly stopped and followed my gaze to the older knight before saying, "as happy as anyone could be. Why are you so curious?" When I did not reply, he laughed and asked, "do you have feelings for the old man?" Annoyed, I gazed upon the youngest Baratheon brother. "I am growing tired of everyone here assuming an honest question is a declaration of undying love." Lifting a portion of my gown, I increased the length of my steps to overtake the stunned man.

I must have walked further than I expected because I heard Renly huff out, "halt, my Lady." Perturbed, I heeded is request and turned as he jogged up to me. Stopping, he took a few deep breaths before saying, "I did not mean to offend." Rolling my eyes, I uttered, "you may not have meant it, but the offense was unwelcomed." Standing, he took another breath before saying, "why are you curious about Barristan's happiness? He is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and..." I interrupted him, saying, "being Lord Commander does not neigate the desire for family or kin." Blinking, he softly said, "your not speaking about Barristane." Confused by his question, I heard myself utter, "of course, I am referring to him. Who else do you think I am reffering to?" Renly lifted his eyebrows and boldly asked, "is it possible you are referring to the Kingslayer who has recently paid a considerable amount of attention to you?" Embarrassed, I wanted to shake the thought aside when he gently took hold of my hand.

Surprised by the sudden touch, I found my gaze drifting to his soft, delicate hands holding mine before redirecting my gaze to peer into his blue eyes. "Ilyanna, it is not uncommon for maidens to desire him as you are the eldest daughter of my brother's dearest friend. I feel that I must caution you against pursuing his attention." "Caution?" He nodded, saying, "Queen Cersei would not allow such an infatuation to continue." Shocked by the inclusion of the Queen, I asked, "why would she dislike the notion that her younger brother has drawn the eye of a young lady? Surely she will not be elated by the possibility that her brother may request the King remove him from his duties so he could eventually inherit their Father's holdings at Casterly Rock?" Renly outright laughed.

Annoyed at his mocking, I turned to leave when he tightened his hold on my hands. "I am not laughing at you but at the idea that Cersei would ask Robert to release Jaime from his vow." "Surely he has thought of it. He slayed the former King and..." Renly calmly uttered, "Jaime was pardoned just as Barristane. Neither one desired to remove their white cloak because the kingdom switched from Taragyen to Baratheon." Confused by the admission, I tried to think of a reply only to feel a gentle touch on my arm. "Ilyanna, I see your compassion for their happiness and commend you for your desire to assist, but I beg you not to think about their situations." "I will be here until my Father is removed from office or until I have been married off to a man that would likely one desire an heir from." Renly blinked, partially amused, as I rolled my eyes in frustration before uttering, "I do not know why I should not think about the happiness of those I must interact with daily?" He breathed deeply before saying, "I am merely suggesting you do not." With a huff of annoyance, he gently asked, "why don't we enjoy our walk, and you can tell me of your life in Winterfell?" Breathing out, I allowed him to lead me through the gardens.

I spent most of the morning describing Winterfell and retelling the various antidotes from my childhood with my siblings. Amused, Renly began relaying his childhood stories in the Stormlands and the surrounding areas. We returned to the Tower of the Hand by midday and stopping before the entrance, I was not surprised to find Renly gallantly take hold of my hand. Turning, I watched him raise my hand and place a light kiss against my knuckles. Smiling, he lifted his gaze and uttered, "thank you for indulging me in an unprompted walk and regaling me with stories of your dear Winterfell." Nodding, I spoke, "thank you for occupying my mind with tales from the Stormlands." With a bright smile, he released my hand and, with a kind smile, left me.

Breathing out, I turned to enter the Tower when I felt a nudge. Turning my head, I blinked upon seeing a young pageboy staring up at me dressed in the livery of Baratheon. "Are you Lady Ilyanna?" I nodded that I was as the boy held a folded piece of parchment out to me. Curious, I took it from him and opened it to find a request to meet with Jaime Lannister. Breathing deeply, I folded it and returned it to the boy. "Inform the writer that I will not heed his desire." With that, I lifted a portion of my skirt and began ascending the staircase leading up to my room within the Tower of the Hand.  

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