Studious one in the room

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Hi! I'm Shubh. 

I live in Hyderabad, India and work for Infosys. So initially my company gave me living accommodation but since that specific period was over I had to move out and find my own accommodation. Later, it took time because I wanted to be financially independent and be sure of safety and comfort as well. 

Then in 2020 I finally found a 1BHK flat at a very cheap rate. The flat so unfurnished but the society was lavish. I loved it! Even my friends would come to me asking if there's any flat for rent. At such a cheaper rate I could even save my 50% salary. 

But the problem I faced or noticed after a week of living there was mumbles. Every night I would feel that someone's reading something or talking in a very low voice, I don't know what it was. I could not sleep so I decided to play some music. What I thought is if I play music then I won't be able to listen to those mumblings and it won't disturb my sleep. But then sometimes my Bluetooth speaker's charging would go away. Sometimes if I'm using my desktop at night then the power supply would stop. I don't know how many things like this happened at night and still in the end I could listen to those mumblings. 

Once our neighbor had a pooja in their house and I was invited for prashad as well as for lunch. 

While talking I asked them if they have a kid who studies at night. They all looked pale and sudden silence started to spread inside the house. No one answered my question and I also realized that something is weird so I didn't ask the question again. When my lunch was over and I was about to leave, that neighborhood aunt told me she will visit me the next morning which she did. 

"About yesterday you asked me if I have a child who studies at night...." Neiborhood aunt spoke.

Though I invited her in the house she preferred to have a talk in front of the door only. Maybe because I was the only guy living in that 1BHK and she was married so due to societal pressure she decided not to be with me alone in a house which was quite understandable. 

"Yeah... actually I don't mind that person studying but I feel like he's quiet loud." I tried to complain but in a very polite way as possible from me.

She took a deep breathe, "Dear, before you there was a family of 3 living there in this flat."

I was nodding to what she was saying.

"The son was very studious and he was appearing for his 10th board exams. His parents were quiet hard on him." She said.

"Yeah due to competition, right?" I asked.

She nodded. "He tried his best and got 94. something percentage for the boards exam of 10th but his parents were not happy about it. They expected more from him like 98 or something. Because the son could not fulfill his parent's wish they always poked him for wasting his time on sleeping in the nights and daily we could hear fights on different topics." She said. 

I was listening to her carefully. 

She continued, "Eventually he hanged himself in the bedroom and died." 

"What? How can his parents make him so pressured that he had to sacrifice his life?" I questioned.

"I know. Since then his parents could here his mumblings and sobbing. And they had no other option than going for a therapy and leaving this house." She explained.

I nodded. Once the conversation was over I entered the house and looked around and ended up giggling. Like I know many people are jealous of me having this house at a cheaper rate and if I leave then this lady will suggest this house to somebody else and receive commission for sure. At least that's what I thought.

I also told my parents about this and they pressured me to leave this house as early as possible and so I had to listen to them and leave early as possible. 

I found other house, lived there and worked properly. Got married later. Had a son after an year later. Now since we were family of 3 the house felt a little smaller in the size. When my son turned 2, me and my wife started haunting for the house again. In the end I decided to go back to that very first house which that neighbourhood aunt thought was haunted. 

Actually I shared the incident with my wife but did not tell her the address of the house because she gets scared easily. Because of our budget we shifted to that same apartment same house. Neighbour aunt recognized me and greeted my wife. Yes I hid from my wife that it was the same house where I was hearing mumblings and all.

For a week or more I did not hear any mumblings. I was happy and quiet mad that I got fooled by that neighbourhood aunt. Then suddenly I started hearing the mumblings. 

I looked at my son and asked him, "What are you doing? Go sleep." 

"Dad this big brother is teaching me Algebra. What is it? Sounds like Zebra." My son said.

"What?" I was shocked.

My son nodded, "Oh! Where is he now? Um I guess he went to washroom." He said.

"Son! What are you talking about?" I hugged my son.

"Dad, big brother comes every night and talks with me about how important studies are. He said I should top the list when I'm old enough to go to school." My son started telling me.

"Wait! Son are you okay?" I thought he was not okay and sleep talking.

"Yes dadda! But I don't want to study. I don't understand anything." My son pouted. 

I didn't know how to react and when I looked for my wife. Till then my son started crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Big brother is calling my name to study with him." He said.

Now we are both looking for flat and currently living in a hotel.

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