Chapter 5: A Sudden Decision

Start from the beginning

As he stood there, L realized the bad decision he had made, and now in an attempt to run upstairs and cry for help, he zoomed out of there, and bolted through the stairs. Thanks to the extra speed he was carrying, M could reach him, but not by much. But the rage and fury slowly boosted him as he chased after L, wanting to make him shut up once... and for all.

L grabbed the door handle to his bedroom, but as he did so, M had yanked him closer to him, making him lose grasp on the item. M was now gonna hold him hostage just like he did before he tried to swallow him up. His fists were clenching into L's body very strongly, like a snake coiling its prey. "I'll set you free. As long as you do NOT tell this to anyone." M ominously said, staring into his eyes with a look of unbridled anger

But L, being the cocky bastard he is, decided not to listen, and used one of his legs to kick M's abdomen. The blow was quite strong, and M clutched his belly as he howled in pain. "YEEOOW! I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS..."

M had now pinned L down to the floor, strangling him as he did so. "WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT!? YOU SAW AN OPPORTUNITY, AND YOU WASTED IT." He yelled at L, as he was choking him. L, also feeling the same levels of rage as M did, screamed back "Well, it's YOUR fault for making O disappear in the first place- His words were cut off, as M strangled him further to the point of not breathing...


He did it. He killed L. He had basically strangled him so hard that he practically made his neck vertebrae pop, killing him in the process. L's eyes faded into his sclera, leaving almost fully white eyes. Blood streamed out of his mouth and eye holes, and his torso was barely holding his head, only staying connected by a little bit.

M looked at the corpse while holding his head, with a little bit of surprise in his eyes. But at the same time, he was relieved - as now one of his long-time enemies was gone, and never going to be seen again by anyone else. His lips slowly curled upwards into a slight sadistic smile, as he enjoyed finding out L had now died - thanks to him. But now he had other things in mind. Where was he gonna hide him?

He looked outside from one of the windows on the hallway. It was a rainy night, and there was a thunderstorm forecasted for the day after. So he had to be very careful, of not dying from hypothermia or anything similar. The only solution was to hide L's corpse outside, maybe hidden in the trash bags and other junk. "So, we should get this done with, now..."

He then picked up a black trash bag, placed L's dead body inside, and tied a knot at the opening so L didn't get out. He then put on a red fluffy coat, and finally grabbed an umbrella to protect himself from the rain as he started heading outside, dragging the bag with L's corpse inside. Nobody had to find out.

M walked for a few blocks, until finding a hidden away spot, where there was a large heap of trash and bags with more trash. He moved away a few bags, rats running away from him as the bags were being tampered with. He made a nice, subtle spot to place the bag in, and carefully placed it outside the large dumpster, covering it in other debris and bags.

And finally, he headed back home, to wash his hands and head back to sleep. But this ordeal isn't done just yet! Turns out somebody had been watching him as he went to hide the body. It was R, lost in the metropolis, trying to find his way back home, but ultimately caught a strange curiosity for whatever he was carrying in that bag, and followed him all the way through until he successfully hid the body.

As M left the hiding spot for L's body, R slowly stepped in closer and closer. He was constantly looking around if there was anyone observing him as he inspected the bag carefully. He noticed a pungent smell coming from inside it. At first, he just brushed it off as all the piles of trash that were on top. But something was... off.

He grabbed the bag's fabric and started to lightly rip it off. The pungent stench that was trapped in the bag had come out of that hole very suddenly, blinding R instantly. But then, as he opened his only eye again and looked closer at the contents of the bag, a horrified expression drew on his face. He had found a body. And the body of a celebrity, at that...

Time skip to the morning after the murder. The LMNOPX team - or at least the members left of it - were doing their usual routines. Getting up, having breakfast, and talking to each other. N looked around, and realized that L wasn't there... "Hey, big bro... Do you know where L is..?" N asked sheepishly. M responded with "He usually wakes up early. He often goes shopping for coffee at this hour."

As N and M talked, P sat at the couch with her cupcake plush and her bowl of milk and cereal; and she started to zoom through the TV channels searching for something good to watch. She was searching for Cartoon Network, to watch whatever was airing at the time. "P, aren't you too old for kids' shows?" X says to her. "It's just this time!!" P responds, making a pouty face. As she tried to skip through every channel, she stumbled upon the news channel. X instantly knew that the news that they were giving was very important, and took away the TV remote from her hand.

The team gathered around the sofa, as they watched the news in curiosity. What they heard was... very unexpected.

"Today, on this rainy September early morning, at 1:28 AM, the dead body of local LMNOPX team member, L, was found in the middle of an alley, packed inside a garbage bag. An autopsy reveals that his neck vertebrae were crushed so hard that they burst, killing him from internal bleeding and air loss. His head and hair were also covered in thick saliva from an unidentified specimen. The most likely theory indicates that he was killed by a bear and hidden by an outsider, but the evidence is flimsy. Further research also reveals the disappearance of his fellow team member, O, whose location hasn't been found as of now. We all hope the best for L and O's friends and family. Good luck."

Every one of the remaining team members, but M, were absolutely shocked at this sudden - and tragic - news. They listened to the audio in the news, looking at each other in shock and disbelief. N then says "...M? Why aren't you reacting?"

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