Chapter 8 - Don't Sit On Another Man's Bike

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Still Jax's POV:

Victoria and I continued to walk for a little while. We eventually walked into a small patch of woods, which was kinda nice.

Didn't have to be around the freeway. Didn't have to be around other people.

"I haven't been here in forever." Victoria chuckled.

"Have you ever been here, darlin'?" I surveyed her.

"I have. Came here when Wendy and I got along. It was before she was pregnant with Abel. Her and I came here, and we ran around like two idiots.
I despised her then. I always have. Always will. I've loved you ever since we met, how could I not despise her?" She explained.

"Baby, it's in the past now. I sorta hate her for what she did when she was pregnant with Abel. The other feeling other than hate is just nothing. I feel nothing when I look at a picture of her. Yet, I also feel hatred." I elaborated.

"I don't blame you."

I looked over at my girlfriend. She had her hands in her pockets, and she was looking straight ahead of us.

I grabbed her left hand, and pulled it out of her pocket. Once her hand was free, she immediately took hold of my right hand.

"Ready to head back?" She blurted.

"Yeah, of course, baby."

15 Minutes Later

We got back to the parking lot where I had parked my bike.

A random guy was sitting on it.

Victoria and I walked over to my bike and the random guy. He was talking to other guys while they stood around him.

That little fucker.

"Hey." I said loudly. The guy turned around, and his little friends scurried away when they saw me.

"Hey, bro." He chuckled. He had a tiny beard, and he had short brown hair. He wore baggy clothing, and a pair of brown shoes.

"Want a picture or somethin'?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied. I pulled out my flip phone, and held it out while I stood next to the guy on my bike.

"That's the before picture." Victoria snickered. She wore a mischievous grin on her face, and she had her arms crossed.


I then threw a punch to the guys face with my free hand. He tumbled off of my motorcycle, and held his hand up to his face. Blood flowed out of his nose and down his face.

Victoria snatched my phone out of my hand, and took a picture of him.

"That's the after picture." She giggled slightly.

"Don't sit on another man's bike, asshole." I growled at him. He got back up on his feet, and ran off.

"They always have to learn the hard way." My girlfriend sighed.

"I know. It pisses me off." I said in a frustrated tone.

"Baby, he was just bein' a dick." She said in a soft voice.

"Yeah, I'm aware." I replied blankly. I hopped on my bike, and Victoria got on behind me.

As I began to drive off, she wrapped her arms around my waist. That made me feel a whole lot better.

She held onto me tightly everytime I took her on a ride on my bike.

It reminded me of when we were teenagers. I would be riding my bicycle, and Victoria would stand up on the pegs on the back tire; her arms wrapped around my waist as we dashed down dirt roads.

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