: Chapter 3

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I feel like the previous chapters were absolutely scattered 💀
So in this chapter, I'll try to put it all together, organize it. And definitely make it make sense. And that didn't make any sense but like.. forgive me, English isn't my first language:')

(remember I said try..)

Monday, 8:42 am

Darren's POV.

I woke up feeling very energetic, like it's the best sleep I've ever had. I woke up to hot breathing next to me, the next thing I knew, Kane was all over me. What happened last night? Is all I could think of. "Kane?.. wake up bro, your breath stinks" I said, making a bothered tone, although.. his breath didn't smell half bad. "mm.. I'm so tired" is all I got out of the knocked out boy. I pushed him aside and got up. Since today is Monday, means we have a 9:00 am meeting.

Five minutes passed and I'm ready, and this guy won't wake up. "broooo wake up, what were you doing last night?" I asked and got no answer. I sat on the bed next to kane's feet and got on my phone, trying to remember what happened last night. All I could remember was Kane jumping on me, what happened after that?.. I sighed, as I felt kane's feet wiggle, rubbing against me. I slightly chuckled and tickled his feet. He woke up laughing.

Kane's POV.

I slightly opened my eyes, I saw Darren at the end of my feet. I wanted to tease him... again. I remember everything that happened last night, I wonder if he remembers.. I pretended to be asleep, as I rubbed my feet against Darren. I closed my lips trying not to laugh, just then, I felt a gentle touch on my feet. I laughed so hard, I was being tickled. "AY AY DARR-" I was cut by my own laughter. I looked at Darren, smiling so gently. I felt like time froze, I couldn't hear anything. It was just me and him, and his beautiful smile.

Just then, I was interupted by Darren saying, "Alright bro, get up and get ready, you have ten minutes or something" I got up lazily, laughing for absolute no reason. but.. I felt like it, he smiled in return.. ugh, his smile is so pretty. His smile is pretty? I guess..

Third POV.

All the boys were downstairs, snuggled into the couch, all except Kane. It was exactly 8:59 as Kane walked down the stairs. Tyler smiled as he was about to scream at Kane if he didn't make it. "Alright boys, since everyone is here.. let's start the meeting" Ty said, grabbing everyone's attention. Kane sat down at the opposite side of Darren, the younger smirked and walked over to kane's side. He sat down next to Kane, The older looked at him and gave him a smile. He didn't really care for what Darren does, but he's fucking nice to anyone.

Darren POV.

Fuck this bro, why is he smiling I was going to bother the shit out of him!. I crossed my arms listening to manager Ty. I don't know why, but I was extremely focused. I saw Ty look my direction and smile, I didn't smile back.. instead I pretended like I didn't see that. For a second.. I imagined Kane, with his gorgeous ass smile. I sighed quietly. "so boys, we will be going out to the park to film the video, so get ready" Oliver said, After that exact moment, "Alright, meeting's over" Ty said. I let out a breathe I didn't know I held in, as I sunk in the couch, closing my eyes.

"Darren? Go get ready bro" I heard someone say, I opened my eyes as I saw Justin. "oh hey bro, looking good today" I said randomly. My eyes quickly went across the room, where Kane was standing, staring like a Minecraft Steve. I looked back at Justin, who looked like he was going to kill me. He left right away, and there was no one in the living room except me and Kane. I looked at him, I think he got closer, did he? I looked away and got up, Kane got closer. and that scared the hell out of me. "WTF BRO" I whisper yelled for some reason. Kane bursted out laughing and ran away. I didn't want to fight, I guess I'll go get ready.

Third POV.

They started filming in front of their cars as Oliver introduced the video. Everyone was excited and hyped. Just as Oliver finished, everyone ran to the cars. "I CALL SHOTGUN, OLI'S CAR" Justin shouted. "Awh c'mon man" Regie said pouting, Oliver let out a chuckle.

Everyone got into the cars. It was Justin in passenger seat, Ryan and Regie in the back, in Oli's car. In the other car was Darren driving, Seb the passenger princess, and Kane and Angel in the back. "I don't know who's worse, Darren or Oliver driving" Seb blurted out. Darren looked offended, while Kane and Angel laughed. "Darren is definitely worse" Kane said although he felt like he was safe and protected, just being here. He didn't understand the reason for that. All he knew was that, he was comfortable.

Darren gave in, he didn't want to fight the idiots, as he would call them. He continued driving a while later. Focusing on the road, and looking at his side mirror from time to time, eying Kane. Soon later they arrived at a park. As Darren parked the car, they saw that the other boys were already there. Darren took his car keys and went out of the car, signalling to everyone that they finally arrived.

A few moments later, and the boys were settled, a picnic was set by the other group. It was peaceful and fun. Oliver seemed to have started recording the video from his own camera because Darren came late. Angel almost immediately regretted going with those idiots. Later on, Angel started filming as well. They were all having fun and singing.

It was a chill video, not their usual selves. Everything was calm, everyone was having fun. Just until...

Darren's POV.

'ugh, how can he sit there and look so happy' I rolled my eyes glancing at the beauty in front of me. beauty?.. I honestly can't deny it anymore. KANE'S FUCKING GORGEOUS. he's so beautiful, his hair, his smile, his lips.. no Darren stfu. I sighed as a slight pinch woke me up from my thoughts. I looked beside me as I saw, the one and only, Kane.

Kane's POV.

I decided to move around a bit, but before I changed my spot on the picnic area.. Darren was looking my direction, he seemed lost in thought. I wonder what was he thinking of.. I went and sat by him, and pinched him for the fun of it. He looked at me, and I unconsciously smiled. "What do you want, Kane?" Darren said. I almost forgot we were filming. "Oh.. um nothing" I said as I adjusted myself next to him, now looking at nothing. Well.. everything but him. I felt my stomach flip inside me, and send all kinds of tingles as he, Darren, put his hand on my thigh. 'oh god, why am I so nervous?..' I thought as I felt him glancing at me. I decided not to look back, knowing it'll be the biggest mistake.


Ten minutes passed, and I didn't realize that everyone got up. Oliver and Regie taking a stroll through the park, with their own Camera. Sebastian, Ryan and Justin trying to play volley, somehow. And then there's Darren... ON MY SHOULDER??? Did I pass out or something?? When did all of this happen.. soon my thoughts were interrupted, as I felt a pair of hands cup my face, making me look their direction.

Third POV

Darren had his hands over Kane's face, slightly rubbing his cheeks with his thumb. Kane flushed at the actions, all sorts of things happening in his stomach. While Darren was completely lost in the beautiful brown orbs of the man in front of him. Kane gulped as he tried to distance himself, but Darren quickly reached for the guy's neck. Attaching them back together, slight distance in between their faces. They could feel eachother's breathe. And at that moment, everything was silent. They couldn't hear or see anyone but themselves. "Kaner.." Darren said in a vulnerable voice, making Kane gulp. Darren pulled on a few strands of Kane's hair. Kane relaxed, feeling Darren's hand soothing through his hair. "What happened that night?" Darren hinted, but it came out so obvious to the older. He knew exactly which night he meant, but his mind was corrupted. He couldn't think of anything but Darren's face, and hands that could roam anywhere without his consent. He gulped again, not knowing what to say. It seemed like they were staring at one another for what felt like forever.

Until.. Darren moved closer one more time..


Sorry for the long wait! This chapter is a little shorter than the one before. But it's a filler chapter tbh, so.. sorry about that, I myself don't really like this chapter-

but don't worry, next chapter shall be good!~

Also, I'd love to read you guys' comments, so feel free to do so!

Have a good day<3

Love Shot Or Shoot Love? (Dane: Darren X Kane) [Discontinued].Where stories live. Discover now