Chapter One Preview

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Julia: Can I help you?

Kim Namjoon: I need to speak with you. Your dad sent me

Julia: Let him in

Kim Namjoon: Hello ma'am I was sent here to protect you

Julia: You don't have to be formal with me you can call me Julia

Kim Namjoon: Julia...I was sent here by your dad to protect you

Julia: No thank you

Kim Namjoon: I'm sorry?

Julia: I don't need your help, I already have protection. I'm sure he told you what he does for work

Kim Namjoon: If you could just hear me out for a second...Your dad hired me to protect you while he's away on business. His enemies are your enemies and he doesn't want anything to happen to you while he's away

Julia: Are you prepared to risk your life for me

I watched her as she got up. Everyone was right she was seductive without even trying. From the way she talked, the way she walked, and to the way she crossed her legs when she sat down. I have never seen someone so elegant, sexy, and seductive all at the same time. I wanted to make her mine right here right now, but I had a job to do and I couldn't afford to let my feelings or thoughts get in the way of me protecting her and doing my job

Kim Namjoon: I'm prepared to do anything and everything to protect you

Julia: So do you have a name? Or do you just go by bodyguard?...

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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