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Hello and welcome to Renegade! This was my second tronnor fanfic, and this was written in PRIME tronnor time. There was so much going on in the fandom that I loved but now the ship is sunk (like the titanic) but anywhooooo, people are still reading this even though the ship is dead.

Either way. If this is your first time reading, welcome! Thank you so much for choosing this book to read! I hope you enjoy it!

If this is your second time (or 100th, I won't judge 😉) reading, then welcome back! I hope this is just as good a second time around! Please leave comments as it lets me know what y'all think of the story, and make sure to vote too! There is a sequel to this book, so go check that out after you're done!

Thank you so so so much for reading!

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