~Chapter 45~

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Hey loves! Just wanted to say that I worked really hard on this chapter and its probably the longest chapter i've ever written! Check out my authors note at the end for more information about a couple of thing! Since I've worked really hard on this chapter please comment and vote! But mostly enjoy! Happy reading:)

I awoke before I was ready, the light of the sun and the song of the birds pulling me slowly from comforting depths of sleep. I found that I was alone. Louis was probably at school by now. I felt a bit groggy and drowsy. The house was quiet making me think nobody was here.I grabbed a hold of my phone on the nightstand next to me seeing what time it was.

"Hey." I looked up from my phone and smiled weakly when it was Louis in the doorway. He wore a Rolling Stones tee and jeans. His hair was gelled back the way that I like it. He gave me a worried look before inviting himself in. I sat up and moved over for him to sit beside me.

''Hey,'' His hand grabbed mine gently and I felt the warmth flooding through me that I get when he touches me.

''Why aren't you at school?'' It was almost nine and school starts at eight.

''Mom had to run into work this morning for two hours but she didn't want to leave you alone. I'm only missing first period.'' He shrugged it off like it was no big deal but to me it was a big deal. I felt guilt powering through me. I hated not being able to do anything. I felt bad that Jay and Louis were changing their plans because I can't do anything. I admit I do like Louis taking care of me because it makes me feel loved but at the same time he has to help me get changed and make me breakfast or lunch. I feel weak having him do it.

''What?'' Louis brought me out of my thoughts, noticing my frown.

''No I just wish everyone didn't have to clear there scheduled for me.''I admitted.

''Why? You're hurt Shaileen, you're not bothering anyone by asking for help.''

Maybe he was right but it was hard for me to see it like that. I had to remind myself that the two of us did have different perspective on things. I wasn't going to sit here and argue with him about it because I knew he was not leaving.I just smiled weakly nodding.

''How are you feeling?'' Louis looked away from my eyes and at our hands for a moment and then his eyes met mine.

''To be honest, I'm exhausted.'' I spoke tiredly.

''You don't look tired just worn out but your still beautiful.'' I wasn't expecting him to say something like that to me. It took me by surprise. I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks as I grinned like an idiot.

''You don't have to say it everyday Louis,'' I smiled squeezing his hand

''You have no say in this Goldie. I'll tell you everyday because you're beautiful everyday.''

''Thank you Lou.'' I smiled weakly feeling the groggily and tiredness hit me.

''Anything for you love.'' He pressed his lips to my cheek. Lingering the kiss making my eyes shut before pulling away.

''At least your injury wasn't anything too serious.'' Vividly I remember Chris carrying me off the field and helping me into the car.

''True, what if I got paralyzed.''

''I know you wouldn't be able to feel anything. How would I be able to touch you without you being able to feel it.'' I felt his hand let go of mine and travel down the front of my body slowly. His fingers brushed down my body so lightly but it gave me such a chill that ran down my spin. My eyes shut for a second but once his fingers reached my lower stomach he stopped making my eyes open. I could already feel the heat and tension that this conversation was going

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