24. Marlboro

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"We have big problems Mac"

"Tell me something I don't know, James."

"Yes. Please, do tell."

James and Macallan both turned to see Lacy and Macenna standing in the doorway of the shower room where they had gone, just around the corner to talk.

"Look Macenna, Reese is gonna address everyone tonight about this."

"Oh, but in the mean time you're here sharing it with Macallan and why does that just rub me the wrong way James?"

"Good question Macenna. Why is that?" James answered with a sigh.

Lacy decided this was her ticket to butt in.

"You know James, ---"

But James stopped her with a hand and left her mouth hanging open with the unfinished sentence.

"No. I don't want to hear it. I was simply asking Mac how many of you could handle a weapon. That's it. Like it or not, things are not likely to get any better from this point on and I need to know some of these things. So please, go back to Dylan and Krisslyn and let me do what I gotta do."

"Did I hear my name?"

James rolled his eyes as Krisslyn popped around the corner to join them. Lacy turned to her cousin with a raised brow and a smirk.

"Yes. You did Krizz. James here wants to know if we can handle guns." She said with a hand on one hip. "I just wish I could be the one to show him," she snorted. "It's not like it's any big secret," she trailed off thinking about her dad. A lump formed in her throat but Lacy was determined to put James in his place. "My dad was a police officer. All of us can shoot James."

Macenna ruffled her dark hair lovingly all the while glaring daggers at Macallan and James. "Now see what you've done?" He rebuked them pulling Lacy into his arms and placing a hand tenderly over her ear."

Macallan bristled. "Maybe ass-bro, that was the reason James wanted to talk in private."

Macenna wasn't biting the bait this time though much to Macallans simmering jealousy. Instead, his twin reached into his top pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboros dangling them in Macallans face.

"Fine. Have your little private info sharing moment. Come on Lacy, let's go have a smoke."

"No no no no no. Hell no Macenna. Don't you dare take a step. I've had it with your crap. You ain't taking Lacy anywhere, anytime so butt the fuck out!"

Macenna took a step at Macallan and Macallan met him face on. They butted up to each other's chests neither one willing to back down.

James shook his head. "You," he said pointing at Lacy, "take Krisslyn and go to your room."

"I will do no such thing you aren't the boss of anyone here James."

"Yes you will Lacy," Macallan grit out. "And you'll do it now."

"Whaaa? Are you kidding me right now Mac?!" Lacy dared him.

"I'm not." He answered her never taking his smouldering gaze from Macenna. "My brother and I are going to get some things straight right here right now."

James stood with his arms crossed over his chest. He certainly wasn't leaving in case Mac actually meant what he was saying right now.

Lacy reached over toward Macenna dauntingly and snatched the pack of cigarettes from his hand.

"I'll just be taking these," she snapped, grabbing Krisslyn by the hand, she turned to stalk off but felt the weight of a heavy hand on her shoulder.

"Nope." James stated blandly, managing to grab the cigarettes from her before she could argue. "To smoke you'd have to go outside and you are not going to be doing that without one of us with you."

"Thank you James," replied Macallan, still glaring at his twin, chest to chest.

Lacy's lips formed a tight frown and her eyes narrowed as she sized up the situation. "I can't believe this," she huffed angrily. "And I'm not going anywhere. Macenna! Please! Knock it off! For one thing I'm not a play toy you can just use to piss off your brother!" she shouted.

Her words echoed through the cavernous room and she jumped at the sound of a voice behind her and turned around to find Reese standing there smiling.

"Well, I see you kids are getting things worked out," he proclaimed with his hands on his hips.

Silas Fisher stood behind him and chuckled out loud.

Both Macallan and Macenna broke away from each other and turned slightly to face Reese who was still smiling broadly.

"As much as I'd like to stay and referee, I need to assemble a meeting and I'll be wanting all of you there ASAP, in the briefing room. Girls too, so chop-chop." He looked momentarily at the cigarettes James held in his hand and shook his head. "All of this over a pack of cigarettes, Solo?"

"Negatory Sarge," James answered cursory.

Reese stared at him blankly. "I don't want to know then," he muttered as he pushed past Silas and strode off down the hall.

James looked at each face waiting for any more complaints but hearing nothing from anyone he whirled his hand over his head, "You heard the Sargeant! Chop-chop!"

Night of the Crane | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now