"Not good boss. The only way you are getting to that hangar without a shoot-out, is if you don't leave at all. My guy on the inside tells me that at this point, your brother isn't so bothered about you."

"That's rubbish. He always says that. I'm who he wants. Bloody bastard." This time, Sion wasn't so sure that he agreed with me. And that showed on his face. "Do you know something I don't?"

"My man tells me that it's Sophie. Your brother wants Sophie." I knew that he wasn't joking, because I don't tolerate jokes that involve her. But I also knew he couldn't be serious. I would actually kill my brother.

"He wants Sophie? My Sophie? The Sophie that is currently upstairs, in my room, getting ready?"

"Yes boss. But the thing is..." Well, there was nothing more to hear.

"I don't give a fuck what it will take. But I want every road leading to that hangar cleared up before lunchtime today. "

"But Karrion..." I held my hand up and he stayed quiet.

"I don't care if there will be a shoot-out. You could throw bombs if you fucking want. But those roads will be cleared up by lunchtime. Is that clear?"

"Yes boss. And cleanup?" I walked closer to him and placed an arm on his.

"Do you know what the beauty of causing havoc in someone else's town is?"


"You get to leave without bothering about the mess you created. Do what the fuck you need to do, and they'll clean it up. Because that is what they are, fucking cleanup boys." I turned to leave, but I stopped just before I left. "And bring six of his men to me. Unharmed."


"Six. Not less, not more. Exactly six."

"Yes boss." This was why I was upset. But I didn't want her to worry. She was already so skeptical about going back to Italy, and now, this. I knew that even though she wouldn't let it show, she would be on edge about the trip. Even more than she already is.

I went down to the dining, expecting to see Fiore and Angela, but it was just Angela. She was late for breakfast. I'm a very time conscious person. She also is. So I knew that she just did this to upset me.

I sat down at the head of the table and said nothing.

"Good morning Karrion." Angela said as she moved from where she was initially seated, to the seat immediately by my right hand side. That was where Fiore always sat down.

"Morning Angela. Is there a problem?"

"Why would there be?" She was wearing an overly revealing outfit. Russia is too cold to dress like a slut. Her boobs were basically spread out on the table like it was a part of breakfast. And her skirt...revealed too much. Fiore wouldn't particularly like this.

"Isn't it a bit too cold to be wearing that?" I asked without even looking at her.

"No, not really. Plus, being next to you is giving me all the warmth I need." The next thing I heard was the clearing of a throat. I looked right ahead, and she was seated at the far end. She was at the tail of the table basically.

"Did I miss the memo that said the manor had now become a brothel?" One thing I loved about Fiore was her classy behaviour. She never had to wear revealing clothes to turn me on. She just had to be herself. And she knew that. Today, her look was as modest and simple as they come. I don't think she was wearing heels, because then, I would've heard her.

"Morning Sofia." I turned and immediately eyed Angela. Nobody calls her Sofia. Nobody but me.

"Sophie." They both turned to me, like they just realised that I was still here. "Her name is Sophie. You are not allowed to call her anything other than that. Is that clear?" My eyes were on Fiore, but she knew who my words were directed at.


"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Crystal clear."

"Good. Now, let's eat." The server had started dishing breakfast out, but something didn't feel right. My Fiore wasn't next to me. I didn't want her at the far end of a very long table. I wanted her right by my side. They were both about to start eating when I stopped them. "Wait."

"Is everything OK?" Angela asked. I didn't even want to hear her voice anymore. It just irritated me.

"Fiore, come here." She looked at me from her seat and made no effort to move. "Now." Still nothing. I knew what she wanted, her eyes said it all. She wanted to mark her territory. I didn't even argue with her. I simply got up, and walked to her seat. I stretched out my hand, and after much consideration, she took it. When she got up, I got to see the whole look. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

We walked back to my seat, with me leading her. When I sat down, they both had a quizzical look on their faces. Until I pulled her to my legs. She didn't need a seat next to me. Because that would make her a step away from being seated at the head of the table. But with her on my legs, she was at the top with me. That is what I want. Sophie at the top, with me.

She looked at me, and smiled. She wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. I never like kissing her in the presence of others. But it wasn't because of anything dramatic. Her kisses always turn me on. And I always want to have her. And even in this moment, if Angela wasn't here, I would've had my way with her here.

My grip tightened around her waist, and her body immediately reacted. She wanted me too. At that point, Angela cleared her own throat and Sophie pulled away with a smile.

"Is everything to your liking Angela?" Sophie asked as she ate from my plate. She would occasionally turn to feed me some fruits or pastry.

"Well, I didn't know that breakfast here involved a show."

"Normally, the show is our breakfast." Sophie said laughing. "But we have company."

"Ahh, I thought you didn't notice."

"Believe me, I noticed. I notice everything that happens in this manor."

"Do you now?"

"I do." I wanted to step in, but Sophie has a way of handling these things. "Which is why I'm going to have to tell you to not dress like a prostitute in my home. It's not only very distasteful, but it is also very classless."

"Excuse me? How dare..." Sophie held her hand up, and she stayed quiet! That is power! That is one of the many things that attracted me to her! She knows who she is, so nobody can bring her down!

"When I am talking, you do not talk. You listen to me, and then you do what I say. You are a guest in my home, you do not get to go around, making your own rules. In this place, we do not walk around like sluts. We cover up, because that is decent. We do not lay out our breasts as part of the breakfast spread. And we most definitely do not wear headbands as skirts. But most importantly, we do not cross boundaries at this table. There is a reason why the server directed you to your seat. But I'll tell you again. It's because power is represented in every aspect of life. Karrion sits here, because it represents the highest seat at the table. He sits here to let everyone know that he is the boss."

"And where do you sit?" Sophie was starting to get irritated.

"At the right hand side of the head. You, young lady, are in my seat."

"Oh, I had no idea." We all knew that she was lying. She moved to the next seat after that. Sophie wasn't going to sit down there again, I know her. She just didn't want Angela sitting there. She didn't want Angela anywhere near me. Sophie's possessive side never showed until now. And I loved it. She wasn't possessive because she felt threatened. No! She was possessive because just like me, she wants people to feel too scared to even do something stupid. She knew what Angela wanted. She knew that I would never do that to her. But she wanted Angela to feel to scared to even make her intentions known.

"I'm sure you didn't. And I trust that it'll never happen again?" I squeezed her waist and she got my message. It was time to stop.

"No, it won't."

"Wonderful. Now, Karrion and I have a couple of things to take care of. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast."

The Mission Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant