Chapter ~ 1: New Life [I]

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[ Third Person POV ]

Not everyone is lucky enough to start out as a baby - which is extremely strange for Y/N Cinder, because he wakes up one day as a random nine-year-old boy and he's suddenly supposed to be just okay with that.

Fun fact: he's not.

" My goodness," an old lady sobs, fretting over Y/N. He's on a shitty bed with metal frames, sporting a massive headache, and desperately in need of modern-day painkillers and a truckload of Coffee," Your first day at Umbra's and you've been hit with a football to the head. You're awake now, dear?"

Y/N blinks. He sits up, looks around, and takes about five seconds to understand his new lot in life, as some poor little orphan boy stuck in what appears to be an old Hospital room and decides to wing it. There's a mirror stuck to the opposite wall (probably for some sort of medical reason, or for the doctors to admire themselves whilst doing their work), and he quickly looks away because he's definitely not ready yet to digest the whole taking over someone else's body thing.

He desperately wants to say something along the lines of - 'What the fuck is going on!?' 'Who the fuck are you, get me the fuck out of here!!' - but he decides to go with the path that won't get him locked up in an insane asylum.

" Is there a scar?"

He heard a chuckle next to him, as a hand rubbed his head.

" It's good to be that your humor is still there."

" So?"

He got another head rub for that," No. No, there won't be a scar."

" Grandma, I'm hungry!"

Below them, they both suddenly heard a voice. Kid voices, as they cried out.

The Grandma sighed," I'll be back with dinner and an ice pack."

He nodded and then gave her a soft smile," Thank you for taking care of me, Grandma."

She chuckled, giving him a final head rub," Anytime. Anytime Y/N."

The Grandma gave Y/N a soft smile as she left out of the room.

Y/N however shivered as a hissing sound echoed down the hallway.

' Okay... What the FUCK was that!?'

[ *Ping!* That would be a Furie, Master ]

Y/N jumped and immediately regret it, hitting his head against the hard wooden wall.

' Ow!'

Rubbing his head in pain, he looked at the thing that appeared in front of him. It looks like a blue holographic scream, seemingly floating in the air before him.

[ That had to hurt ]

He nodded,' Yeah. Now I feel like I have a hangover.'

[ Eh, you'll be fine ]

Y/N's lips twitched hearing the soft and light British female voice in his head.

'... So, who are you?' he asked, still nursing his head.

[ The Game ]

Y/N's felt his stomach sink further than the Titanic hearing this.

[ And you are The Gamer ]

...Well shit.

' Why?'

[ Why what? Why you were picked? A coin flip and a drunk God ]

Y/N chuckled hearing his System,' You're very straightforward, aren't you?'

[ UMU~ ]

His lips twitched but decided not to say anything and go went the flow again,' Can you show my stats?'

[ Sure~ ]


Y/N Cinder | [Son of [REDACTED] ].

Level - 1 [0/1000].

Class - The Gamer [LVL Max].

Race - Demigod.

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral.

MP - 200/200 [11 Regen per 10 seconds].

Vigor - 10(Baseline Human).

Attunement - 10.

Endurance - 10.

Vitality - 10.

Strength - 10.

Dexterity - 10.

Intelligence - 20.

Faith - 20.

Luck - 1.

Stat Points - 0.

Money/Credits - 0.


Gamer's Mind (Passive).
Gamer's BODY (Passive).
Observe (Passive).
ID Create - Lvl I (Active).
ID Escape - Lvl I (Active).


' Huh, that's interesting. It definitely looks like a typical Stat sheet you'd find in an old school RPG or a DnD game.'

It was easy and simple to understand, kinda like the System.


Interrupting his thoughts was a bell-like sound in his head.

[ Quest: Get Out Of There!

<Being a Demigod isn't as fun as History showed us. Unfortunately or fortunately for you, you are one. And unlucky for you, a Furie is watching over you. Why? Who knows. But, what we do know is that you need to get out of there fast!>

Time limit: One Day.

Rewards: Random Skill Book |1,000XP | 1,000$(USD)]

Y/N eyes widened more and more as he read his 'Quest'. When he got to the end of it, he knew where he was.

' Percy Jackson.' He's in Percy Jackson, a book his little sister loves.

Here's hoping he's in the book. As a non-Percy-Jackson fan, even he knew the movies sucked.

' Game, which one am I in?'

He heard a deep chuckle in his mind.

[ Who knows~? ]

His eyebrows twitched. So the System won't help him.

That's okay, he didn't need It anyways!

' The question is; How do I get out?'



[Author: I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of this new Fanfic of mine. If you did, please leave a comment and star the chapter~

See ya next time at the next chapter~

And If you do like my stuff, then why not follow me? ]


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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