Within This Palace

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10 minutes later

'Where is she? I've been looking everywhere for her!'

As he keeps searching, Stolas notices him looking around as if he was lost, "Is everything alright? You seem to be having trouble with something."

"Oh, uh... I'm looking for Stella, do you happen to know where she is?" His attitude changes, "Stella? You're looking for Stella?"

"Uh, yes sir, that's corre-"

"OH, OH GOODNESS ME!!!" He bursts out in laughter, "You didn't tell me you were a comedian once. Stella? Now, why would you be looking for her out of everyone here?"

"Umm... well, I'm going to serve her this wine-"

He puts a finger on his lips, "Listen little one, you shouldn't waste your time on her, okay? She's always hiding whenever and wherever, basically, she isn't worth your time. Not to mention, she's mean and nasty. You wouldn't want to run into her for all that matters."

'Mean and nasty?'

"W-well, what if she isn't mea-" Hes given the finger lips treatment again.

"I'll say this once and only once, Stella is not worth your or anyone else time." He returns to his original demeanor, "Now, go out and serve the other guests, alright?"

"But-" He pushes Moxxie towards the other guest, without saying a word.

'What was that all about?'

He looks back at Stolas, who now chatting away with the other guests, as if nothing happened. He turns his attention back to the upstairs, 'She's always hiding herself you say? I'm sure she's on the 2nd floor.' He makes his way towards the staircase and arrives. He's stopped by a railing out of rope, with a sign on it saying "KEEP OUT"

'So the upstairs is blocked huh? I'm sure I can sneak my way in'

With the tray, he holds it firmly and looks around for a distraction. He looks around the room and notices a few cables, connecting from the lights into an outlet.


He throws the tray as if it were a boomerang and towards the outlet, successfully disconnecting the cables to the outlets. The lights go out, sending the guests into a slight panic. He uses the opportunity to slide under the rope and runs up the stairs, arriving on the 2nd floor.

'So this is the 2nd floor? Rather, admit it's kinda creepy.'

He journeys through the floor, as it's a long hall, connecting to room after room. The walls are decorated with portraits, paintings, and vases filled with varieties of plants inside of them. To top it all off, the hall lights in the distance give the hall an eerie red light.

'These damn lights, I can't see what's in the distance' He continues walking, trying every door he finds just for that door to be locked.

10 minutes later

'How long is this hall? I've been walking so long, and nothing!' He lays against the nearby wall taking a break, 'I would kill for some fresh air right about now, I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment...' To his desires, a gust of gentle wind hits the side of his face. He turns to the wind direction and notices an open balcony, 'Sweet Lucifer, my desires have been answered!' He picks himself up and bolts toward the balcony. The moment he arrives, without looking at his surroundings, he slumps his entire body onto the balcony's railing, letting the wind hit his face.

That Fateful Night (REMASTERED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz