𝐕𝐈𝐈. poseidon confirms my v-card

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No memes today 🥲 the last two weeks were so draining I couldn't even think of any memes to make 

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No memes today 🥲 the last two weeks were so draining I couldn't even think of any memes to make 

THE GREEK GODS GATHERED IN the Conference Hall of Olympus. Every Grecian god was here, except for one.

Mnemosyne's green eyes darted to the radiant golden throne that was just a few seats away from Zeus'. Apollo's throne was, as usual, empty. He rarely ever attended meetings like these, and being Zeus' 'Golden Boy' allowed him to get away with it.

Not that Mnemosyne minded. Zeus rarely called for his pantheon to gather in council and only ever did it for important reasons. Today's topic? Percy Jackson.

The thought of Apollo being here when she was the topic of the conference made Mnemosyne feel a little... anxious. While the Curse of Achilles didn't exist here, it existed back in Percy's world and the original bearer of the curse had been taken down by Apollo. He always had a knack for finding weaknesses after all. So as long as he kept his distance, as long as he wasn't interested in her, Percy would be safe.

(From him, at least. There were still many dangers in this world after all.)

"Hmm, looks like Apollo's the only one absent," Zeus murmured, looking around at all the occupied thrones.

"As always..." Hermes sighed, shaking his head in disapproval.

(It astounded Mnemosyne how different this Hermes was compared to the one Percy knew. She idly wondered how he would feel if he were to learn that he had a counterpart out there who wore tracksuits rather than formal butler attire...)

"It's fine," Zeus waved a hand dismissively. He pounded his gavel against the wooden block, signaling that the meeting was about to start.

Soon, everything fell into a quiet hush.

"My fellow gods," he greeted all of them with a wobbly smile. "I've called you here today to talk about an interesting new development. First of all, my big brother Poseidon has finally entered fatherhood! Let's give him a round of applause!"

No one clapped.

Instead, everyone—aside from the handful that already heard of the news (probably through gossip or meeting the child in person)—dropped their mouths in horror. Some of them even looked like they were about to cry.

Mnemosyne winced. She really couldn't blame them for the reaction. If she never knew about Percy and was told point-blank that the most fearsome god in all the pantheons had sired a demon spawn of his own, she'd be pissing in her toga too.

Because let's be honest, one Poseidon was bad enough. Now add on a miniature version of him that would soon grow up to be just as terrifying as their father? No thanks. She nearly fainted when she first heard of it herself.

One god managed to cut through the silence.

"That's great!" Heracles, sweet, wonderful Heracles, beamed up at his adoptive uncle. "Congrats, Lord Uncle Poseidon! When will they debut?*"

𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐒, pjo x rorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora