1 - planetary go

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you tied up your (h/c) strands into a messy bun as you put on a loose white t-shirt. you pulled out your paint pallet. "Y/N!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOU [censored][censored]"

ugh. it was your BITCHASS MOM again... "Y/N!!!"
"im coming!!!"

you walked downstairs. you couldnt believe you were still in this place... you couldnt wait to move out.

"y/n! meet uroxious wigbert!"

you look at the blonde blue eyed man. "erm. hi."

your mom gives you a bobcat side eye. "ugh. i cant believe your wearing that right now..." she whispers in your ear.

"what did you need." you say annoyed.

"after some talking, me and uroxious wigbert have decided that you are going to be sold- erm- bought? by a very BIG business man!!"

you were flabbergasted! you knew your mom hated you... but this was insane! was it even legal?!


"you are SO ungrateful y/n. you're such a BITCH!! i hope the onceler can handle such a [censored] (slur of your choice) like you."

the... the ONCELER?? why would HE want to BUY you?? what did he want from you of all people??? you didnt really have much to offer... oh god.

obnoxious william or whatever his name was escorted you out of the house.


you and oblong wilbur arrived at the giant thneed factory. there were actually many thneed factories, scattered about the world. you were lucky enough to only live about an hour or so away from the largest factory- the one where the man himself often resides.

"am- am i gonna meet- the - the onceler?" obese walter laughed. "HAH! no! a busy man like him has no time for a weak KID like you!"


"you'll actually be working in the tech department. your ma said you were good with it."

"erm- yeah, i guess. ive coded a lot of minecraft plugins with my friend geo-"

"hahaha yeah whatever. you start tomorrow." oblivious wallace began walking away.

"hey wait! what about my house where am i supposed to stay-" ozone depletion bill waved you off. "figure it out!"

you started up at the giant, smoke producing building and sighed. "ugh, fuck."


erm enjoy
shoutout to winkywonker for the ideas on this fic they a real one 🙏🙏🫡🫡

edit i changed the song because :///

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