Wilbur had a smug grin on as he whipped out his phone to call back (Y/N), as he promised.  "Hello, hello~"  He sung.  "How are you feeling?"  He slipped through the door, closing it quietly.  "Better.  I had a drink like you told me, I had a hot chocolate!"  (Y/N) smiled through his voice, Wilbur felt his heart melting at the thought of his beloved's cute expression behind the screen.  "Fantastic!  I'm just getting home now, and I'm all free now.  You got anything you wanna talk about?"

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna wear to graduation day?  'Cause I was just gonna go casual, but I'm not sure if that's appropriate."  He asked innocently, Wilbur snuck in to his apartment and flicked the lock shut behind himself.  "Pretty sure every is going casual, don't give it too much mind."

The kitchen knife clattered to the sink as he stepped in to the bathroom, Wilbur pinned his phone between his shoulder and ear as he turned on the tap to rinse his bloodied hands.  "I can't wait to see you~ It's been so long since we've seen each other!  And, for the record, I'm sure you'll make any outfit look good."

"Awe, Wilbur~ Thank you!"  The two chatted away for hours, to the point (Y/N) fell asleep on the call and it reminded Wilbur of those sweet times he was able to put him to bed.  He adored every snore and breath that got picked up by the boy's phone speaker.

Wilbur's mind was leaping all over the place and he knew he wouldn't be sleeping any time soon, especially from the adrenaline pumping through his veins from having murdered a second person.  So, Wilbur laid on the couch and adored (Y/N)'s noises.

The days felt shorter when they begun calling daily.

It was an accidental routine for (Y/N) to fall asleep on call with Wilbur, on nights they weren't doing so, neither of them had a comfortable sleep.

When Apollo's death was reported on the news, (Y/N) had no clue how to feel.  "I never wanted him to d — die, you know?  But..."  He coughed out a sob to the phone, Wilbur listened intently.  "But it was so difficult to see him the same way after he sent me to the hospital!  A — And how he grabbed me that night,"  (Y/N) tried to muffle his sobs into whimpers and sniffles to not get a noise complaint.  "I'm just glad you and Damien are okay.  How is Damien?  He is alive, right?"

"He's alive, he's off doing whatever.  Probably drugs, knowing him."  This statement was able to prod a laugh out of a teary eyed (Y/N).  "N — Noo, don't say that about him!!"  He argued through laughter.

When he hung up on Wilbur, he decided now was when he would research Jared and Apollo's deaths.

Apollo's death had happened only a few days ago, allegedly happening the day Wilbur had made contact with you.  There were signs of a struggle and it ended with his neck snapped and potential canicide was added to his case.

While Jared's death had happened a good three weeks ago by now.  His case had less coverage now, so (Y/N) had to do a little digging.  He hadn't dared to look in to this stuff since he discovered it from Wilbur.  He had his neck snapped as well, though it sounded far more torturous what happened prior.

Pinned to a tree by numerous, thin and lengthy nails.

Any images were censored well, but the amount of red pixels was enough for (Y/N) to put a hand over his mouth.  "Police say that in his final moments, Jared was trying to shoot his boyfriend a warning before he had his neck snapped and went out quick from the damage and combined blood loss."  He read.

Hang on now.  "Police say in his final moments, Apollo was trying to shoot someone a warning message before having his neck snapped in the door of a mini fridge."  Had been written similarly to that.  Had both of them tried to contact him?  Could (Y/N) have been on both Jared and Apollo's minds before they were taken out?

The sting of tears hit his eyes and he tried to blink them away as he processed the information, wide eyed and gasping for every breath he took.  "Two more weeks..."  (Y/N) mumbled.  "I'll be out of here in two more weeks...  It'll all be over and done with."

No more incidents happened for the next week, he stayed locked up in the guilty darkness of his home and only stepped out of the confines of his bedroom for meals, drinks and toilet usage.

Maybe if he had been there, maybe if he didn't assume the worst of Apollo.  Jared would have to be ashamed of (Y/N)'s actions, if he was watching over him like he used to speak about.

(Y/N) ignored Wilbur's calls, feeling sick to his stomach knowing that there's a possibility those tormenting methods might be used on him as well.  It hurt to see that Wilbur was sending new messages every day and attempting to call at least once.

Neither of them got a good night of sleep until the week after, when (Y/N) had accepted a call.  "(Y/N)?  A — Are you there?"

"Hi..."  Wilbur let out an excited laugh when (Y/N) replied, "Are you okay?  What happened?  Why'd you ghost me all of a sudden?"

"...I don't want you to die as well." (Y/N) whimpered back as he clenched his (H/C) strands out of stress. "Oh, (Y/N). Don't worry about that, okay? If that secret admirer tries to get me, I'll beat him up and get him dead and on the news." He gasped softly at Wilbur's unhinged rebuttal, but it did make him feel a bit better to be hearing it. To be hearing Wilbur's voice again. "Yeah...?"

"Yeah. I'll protect you no matter what happens, or who is around."

Wilbur soothed him to sleep as (Y/N) discussed new possibilities that Wilbur swiftly dismissed and made into a joke so that hopefully, the boy would finally get to sleep.

It was 1AM when Wilbur's ears were blessed by the heavenly sound of (Y/N) resting, his heart melted at the random sniffles and jolts that he heard. "Good night." He whispered, falling asleep soon after with a smile on his face that he woke up with in the morning.

Now there was only the end of the week left for (Y/N) to survive, graduation was around the corner!

The school requested (Y/N) send in some pictures of Jared and Apollo, along with their family. That way they could hold a memorial for the brothers on graduation day.

He teared up as he attached countless images of the brothers as children, when Jared met (Y/N), their first date and many more memories that he cherished with his entire soul. Jared was his first love, his high school romance. And this secret admirer came in and so selfishly tore that happiness away from (Y/N).

If (Y/N) ever met that creep, he would be the death of him. He had the burning desire for revenge, it fuelled him into confidently attended graduation day in person, uncaring for what might happen to him.

Everything was normal? Nothing happened, Saturn, Wilbur and (Y/N)'s teacher were all happy to see him in person. He had to leave early for his flight, and now it was all over. This was his new beginning. He looked out the window and watched the United Kingdom become smaller and smaller, until it was blocked by clouds.

This is a new era for him, a time of recovery, he promised himself. It will only get better. (Y/N) fell asleep to the music in his ears and overall, had a good flight.

FROM; Myself, the Author.
a/n: kk here's the summary i promised .. y/n had complained about apollo last chapter, so wilbur went up and killed him this chapter. with a mini fridge. also revealed what was in there, iy was damien's foster dog (who he had killed). y/n ghosted wilbur for a week and then picked up once to sleep on call, then they'r eback to being buddies. garduyion day comes and then y/n leaves early to get on a flight to the u.s. yippe!! to be comtinued

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