Aragorn's Return

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Hours had passed and Aranel was doing much better. The Elleth was able to stand for short periods of time and the fever that had been wracking her body was no longer there. She'd questioned Legolas about his new healing abilities, something he didn't seem to possess in Mirkwood. Legolas had explained that during a hunting trip, Estel had gotten injured by a poisoned Orc blade. They were four days out of Imladris and the Ranger would have died if Legolas had taken him back home. Through his fever dreams, Aragorn had unknowingly given the Elf instructions on how to heal him. Aranel was grateful her brother had that knowledge, if he didn't, she likely would not be there.

Whispers spread through the refuge like wildfire through dead trees. A lord of Men was alive. Legolas heard Gimli's shouts from the healing wards and fought to contain his excitement. He'd kept his hopes up that his friend was alive and had indeed returned. Aranel had insisted she be there for her brother. Aragorn had saved her life in Moria, she would be there to see his return. The pair stood together outside the King's halls as a dirty, dishevelled Ranger joined them. Aranel leaned heavily on her brother, still favouring her leg. Despite the time that had passed, she still wasn't fully healed.

"You're late." Legolas smirked, looking the Man over. "You look terrible." The Man cocked his head to the side a second before laughing gently. Aranel extended her hand to Aragorn, opening her fist to reveal the Evenstar. She'd kept it safe since all Legolas could seem to do was stare at it after he'd healed her while waiting, hoping his friend was alright. Aragorn gave the younger of the two Elves a smile as he held the necklace in his hand.

"Thank you." He smiled once more before walking past them to find the King. Aranel still favoured her injured leg, hoping her advanced healing abilities would heal her completely, and soon. No doubt Estel had ill news for the King. The siblings parted and allowed the dishevelled Ranger to push the doors to the hall open. 

"A great host, you say?" Theoden asked.

"All Isengard is emptied." Aragorn warned gently.

"How many?" The King inquired.

"Ten thousand strong at least." Aranel felt the breath leave her body as Aragorn spoke. Ten thousand was entirely too many for them.

"Ten thousand?!" Theoden wheeled around.

"It is an army bred for a single purpose. To destroy the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall." Aragorn's hands rested in front of him. The King stalked off to the exit of the hall.

"Let them come!" He decreed. Theoden led the Elven siblings, Aragorn and Gimli to the gates. "I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall. We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall, or set foot inside the Hornburg!" Theoden was entirely too confident in his refuge's abilities to protect their people.

"This is no rabble of mindless Orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and their shields broad!" Gimli despaired. Theoden approached the Dwarf.

"I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own Keep. They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown, homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them." Theoden spoke once more, confidence dripping from his words.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people, down to the last child!" Aragorn cried. Theoden wheeled on the Man. 

"What would you have me do? Look at my men, their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" Theoden turned away to oversee preparations.

"Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid!" Aragorn's voice stopped the King from going any further.

"And who will come? Elves? Dwarves?" Theoden gestured towards Legolas, Aranel and Gimli. "We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead." Theoden now sounded defeated.

"Gondor will answer." Aragorn suggested. The idea that the White City would answer calls for help from Rohan was laughable.

"Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon-? No, my Lord Aragorn. We are alone." Theoden stalked off, leaving the ranger stunned as he stood, his friends at his back.

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