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Veldora upon boasting started pinpointing the laws that would potentially govern a world exactly like 'overlord'. He was using <<Pursuer of Truth>> to confirm these laws and along with that, he was also inserting those laws into "GeoPass" With every law written in the catalogue the teleporter was short-listing the world from all the infinite worlds that exist. But Even after a lot of time, there were quite a lot of worlds left.

Veldora stood there proudly, looking at his hard work bearing fruit "I have short-listed the number of worlds by quite a lot and here we have worlds which are all very similar to each other in laws and properties but even so, searching through all of these for our desired world will take quite a lot of time and we won't be able to complete this process before Rimuru returns"

Milim being Milim, went through a rollercoaster of emotions. She was joyful and enthusiastic listening to the first half of the sentence but those emotions soon changed into exasperation and then to anxiety "Then can't we do anything before Rimuru comes back?" she asked worriedly while Ramiris was flying over her head with the same expression as that of Milim.

"HAHAHA of course we can. Though I have specified the defining laws of our desired world but the rest of the worlds are far too similar to each other and it will take a staggering amount of time and input to eliminate just a few of these worlds, by further specifying the required laws. Now this is where my genius truly shines." Veldora said while putting weight behind the last words he said.

"Woah!! As expected of master, he truly has a plan in mind. So how are you gonna find this 'new world' that we are looking for master?"

"yeah, yeah! I knew we could trust you Veldora"

Both Ramiris and Milim started clapping their hand. They now had hope of going to another world to explore and relax a little. They were happy to know that they did not have to call off this whole operation.

Veldora had a wide smile on his face that extended from one ear to another and was also feeling breezy due to all this exaltation that he was receiving. He puffed his chest out basking in all the praise and glory.

"Now, listen to my brilliant plan, till now I had been specifying laws to pinpoint the worlds, but that's not all that I am capable of. NOW I will start specifying the events that had happened in the world HAHAHA!!!"

""OHHHH!!"" Both were quite astonished at the brilliance of Veldora, they both knew that Veldora could access the past events of the world that he was in but they did not knew that he had improved on his powers and their applications to such an extent that he could now access the event of the worlds that were in front of him or he himself chose.

Veldora; after seeing the expected reaction was completely satisfied, as he did not rest on his laurels and was working hard every day to better himself, and now all the participants were raising Veldora to high heaves with their praises. Veldora chose to ignore writhing Berreta as he was like that for quite some time.

"Okay! Let's start. SO one of the major events that happened was...............ummm......... let's see, yes! It was the appearance of '6 Great Gods' lemme just insert the event......aaannddd....... AA-HAAAAAAA. Hahaha just one event and we have singled down to our desired world"

Veldora was very happy with this outcome and it was not just Veldora, both Milim and Ramiris were also full of expectations of visiting new world. There was a springiness in their steps as they all three danced around each other, clearly happy with their hard work and success.

"you did it Veldora! You actually did it"

"were you doubting me Milim?" Veldora pouted little

"hehehe" and Milim just giggled in response

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