Tul :- gulf list to me, i didn't mean that...

Gulf :- no phi, you are right i have to go, please try to make p'mew understand that living with me is not safe for him, please take care of him, i have to go, i have to leave p'mew now... 'immediately ran away with tears'

Gulf was having hard time to control his emotions, he didn't know what just happened, he didn't know what to do know, he can't go to win or saint like this and mew out of the question if he see his baby boss in this condition then god's know what will be happen so he decided to leave the house quickly but to his shock max was stand at the door and heard all the conversation between them as gulf seen tears in max eyes, he just shak his head in no and ran away...

On the other side tul was standing dumbfounded because he never ever thought something would happen like this, he was not in his senses and just saying what is coming to his mind but he never knew the gulf has this serious impact, he is hating himself for making gulf cry...

Tul :- fuck!! what the hell i have done!! damn i didn't mean anything shit!! i said everything in anger i really doesn't mean any of it!!! fuck tul, you asshole mew will definitely going to kill you... 'while pull his hairs in frustration'

Max :- well you deserve that babe...

Tul :- 'wide eyes' max

Max :- yes me...

Tul :- did you heard everything...

Max :- 'nodding his head' yes and you fucking bastard i told you na be aware of your behaviour towards gulf see now what you have done to him, seriously you asked him to leave mew, are you crazy or what...

Tul :- babe listen i seriously not in my senses, i don't want to hurt the gulf, it's just that I couldn't control my anger and burst on him, i really don't mean anything babe, what i have done... 'crying'

Max :- 'hugged him' it's ok what was done is done, now make the things right before something happened to Mew or gulf, you have to tell mew everything because he is the only one who can handle gulf...

Tul :- no!! no!! no!! i can't, he'll never ever forgive me for hurting his baby, i couldn't bear his hate for me...

Max :- but you have to tul, because what i had seen was not normal, gulf is triggered which lead him having panic attack soon only mew can control him so let's go and tell mew everything...

Tul :- hmm let's go i don't want anything to happen to the gulf because of my craziness...

Inside mew office house

Mew and others are merged in their work as mew given different works to them to work on as brightwin has to work on security like securing system and arranging guards etc, zeesaint given work to collect all the information about the playboys hunters gang from past to till now, boatmild work is to gather the all the links which they can lead to that gang while using their connection and ability...

They all are so much emerged in their work that they're didn't notice when maxtul entered in the office and standing in front of them with worried and scared faces, max look at tul to encourage him to start talking tul nodded his head and clear his throat to gather everyones attention to him, especially mew's...

Tul :- mew can we talk...

Mew :- I'm busy tul can we talk later....

Tul :- it's important...

Mew :- still we talk later, there is nothing more important than my baby's safety...

Tul :- hmn, it's about gulf...

Mew immediately stops all his work and looks at the tul with cold eyes, he is feeling something wired towards like his baby safety, something is from inside mew telling him at his baby boss need him, his baby is not in good condition but he still doesn't want to think anything like that so he waited for tul to speak while getting irritating of tul's silence....

Mew :- speak before i lose my mind tul, tell me what happened to my baby and dare to lie to me, now speak up you got damnit...

Tul :- 'tears' something happened between me and the gulf and he suddenly left the house, me and max searched all the house but the gulf is not in the house and we don't know where he is gone...

Everyone :- WHAT!!!

Mew world clash in front of his eyes, he boby got numb, he is looking like soul left his body, he doesn't know what the hell he just listens and without giving any damn to his surroundings and he left the office like mad man whereas others standing dumbfounded and still waiting for tul for his explanation...

Mew immediately left everything and ran towards his car to find his baby, he didn't even wait for tul to explain himself or what happened between them he is just worried for his baby, last time when his baby decided to leave he did every possible thing to stop him, even he confesses his love which he wanted to be in romantic way but now he couldn't control himself and crying non stop just thinking about his baby, he don't know were and how is his baby doing...

"baby please hold tight I'm coming to you, don't leave me here please baby, I'm coming to make everything right my love please for me, for us hold tight na, I'm on my way to you, i don't know where to find you but I'll find you by hook or by crook my love please wait for me"said mew inside his head

Mew don't know where to look for his baby, he check his hospital, his appartment, all hang out please but didn't find his baby, he called bright to track his location but gulf's phone is switched off, mew was losing all his hope but suddenly he remember gulf's secret place which only mew know few days back gulf talked about it so mew immediately drive his car to gulf's secret place....

Mew :- i know you are there my love just wait for me I'm coming to get you and tie you in my room that you never ever dare to leave me, i love you my baby boss, please be there safe I'm coming to you, to my home because you are my home my heaven baby....


Hope you like this chapter....

See you in the next chapter...

Bye take care...

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