XXVi| The Norris'

Start from the beginning


Mira smiled softly as she took hold of Lando's hand that rested by her torso. It was normally the position they slept in with Mira sometimes choosing to hug Lando's arm as well.

Oh and, of course, Loki slept at the end of the bed. No matter how hard Mira tried to get him to sleep in cat beds and hammocks, he would always sleep ontop of Mira's feet and who was she to deny a cat some sleep?

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Despite all the assurances from her boyfriend, Mira couldn't seem to settle the butterflies in her stomach or the constant fidgeting. Her mind raced to different places and couldn't settle on just one thing to worry about. Every bone in her body wanted to return to the car when Lando knocked on that door.

She didn't because she knew this meant a lot to him, he'd told her that on the way there.

Mira didn't want Lando's parents to think that she was lazy or wasn't hard-working because her job entailed a different type of dedication. She wondered if Lando had told them exactly what she did...even if Lando did a similar thing, it wasn't his full-time job.

She understood she had life easier but her job also came with daily mounts of hate, death threats and trying to manage her time. No one could tell her that it wasn't a hard thing to deal with but she wasn't oblivious to how it easy it was in comparison to other things.

"Your nervousness is making me nervous," Lando nodded as he took Mira's hand,"Chill out."

"I can't 'chill out'," Mira huffed. "Just let me panic, I can hide it well."

Lando's mum opened the door after Lando knocked just once, obviously seeing his car turn up in the driveway. Immediately, Lando hugged his mum before ushering Mira into the house.

"Mum, this is Mira," Lando introduced cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you Mira," Cisca smiled politely. "I'm Cisca."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Mira replied softly.

"We're so happy to finally meet you, Lando speaks to highly of you!" Cisca rambled as she lead them into the living room.

"He does?"

"He would be an idiot not to," Adam Norris spoke up,"I'm Adam, nice to meet you Mira."

"Likewise," Mira smiled as she took his hand.

Did Mira mention that she really hated introductions?

No? Well, she did.

Mira would be lying if she said that meeting Lando's parents was easy because it wasn't. She didn't exactly know what to say and it wasn't natural for her to make small talk or conversation. However, the blonde knew that Lando must have said something prior because his mum always made sure Mira didn't have any uncomfortable silent and avoided small talk all together. She appreciated that.

"Lando said you have two brothers, Mira, what do they do?" Adam questioned curiously.

"My brother Luke is a professional dog trainer and Mike is a software engineer of some sort, I think," Mira replied.

Cisca quickly regained control over the conversation to avoid Adam pulling Mira into any conversations about work.

"What are your Christmas plans Mira?" Cisca asked politely.

"My brothers are both out of the country for December so I can't spend it with them," Mira replied kindly. "My friend isn't available either so it'll just be me this year."

"Spend it with us," Cisca insisted like she'd known Mira all her life.

"I can't intrude like that, it wouldn't be fair—" Mira began.

"Don't be ridiculous Mira, I'm not going to have my son's lovely girlfriend alone on Christmas day," Cisca ended.

"Come on Mimi, it'll be fun!" Lando grinned. "Please."

Mira didn't really have a choice. With Covid restrictions back in place again, she and Lando had to stay in their support bubble so it's not as though Mira could go out doing anything else. Spending it with Lando and his parents seemed to be the best situation.

"Only if you really don't mind," Mira smiled sheepishly.

"Of course, we don't mind," Adam insisted. "Lando should have asked you sooner regardless of your plans."

"I — I just assumed you were spending it with your brothers," Lando defended, throwing his hands up in surrender. "But I'd much prefer you with us."

Mira caught Lando winking at her and allowed her face to heat up slight. 

God, she was in deep, wasn't she?

God, she was in deep, wasn't she?

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