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Prolouge: The betrayal


The time came, when Zafar would die and Aladdin would kill him. He lifted his sword that went right into Zafar's chest. Black bloods rolled on his attire. His breath started to get heavier by seconds. He was silent.
I have never seen him looking so lifeless, so pityless.
For the first time, his eyes were down to the ground.
His head was lowered.

I thought he realize what he has done and gulit would thrown on his face. And he would beg after them, just to be alive.

But it didn't happened. The moment he knew the end was near, he opened his mouth, saying that Aladdin's would be heard somewhere but Zafar, that name would forever live.

He died.


He is dead. Finally. relief*

Now no one can harm us. Me, Ammi, Ginu, Yasmine, Chatar patar, Chulbhul, amd every Baghdad's people would live peacefully. No one can snatch it from us.

I smiled brightly, looking at my mom's reaction I could she has never been so happier.

I hugged my mother dearly, I never got a chance to hug her freely. If it wasn't for Zafar, I wouldn't have to wait so long.

She said, " I am really really happy right now. Never have I thought there would be a day where I could see Zafar's death. "

" We are free, " I replied.

" Yes, Bhai. You did it. We did it. " His words almost made my eyes moist with tears. I asked him if he wanted to join the hug.

He seemed happy and agreed. We were in a biggest moments of our lives, when I heard Yasmine's voice. " Well, well, well. It seemed you guys are having a really great moment. "

She smiled. " Wanna join too? "

She giggled. " No, enjoy by yourself. I don't ruin the moment that quickly. "
Ruin the moment that quickly.
That quickly.

What did she meant by 'Quickly'.
" Yasmine? " She looked at me. I saw the Kala Girac in her hands. Suspeciousness went through my mind.
I shake my head a little bit, knowing that she would never do such a thing, and will never betray me. But.
I let go of the hug.

" Yes, darling. " She flirted. My heart raced. She is flirting with me? She never flirts.

I don't know but now she seemed different. She sound different. Her tone is different. She wears a bold personality.

" Y-Ya-Yasmine, Can you give me the Kala Girac? "

" Noh. No, Aladdin. I am gonna keep it. " My face paled. " You can't. "

" And you don't need it. So, give it back. " I gulped in between.

" Aladdin, I can't, " She said. I calmly asked her why can't she.
She spoke again, "Aladdin, you know, I don't wanna say anymore lies to you. " disbelief*
She took a deep breath. " Aladdin, I planned to get it before I met you. "

I was silent. So, are others.

" I have been planning for it, for years now. And.. " " Really? I thought you love me, for me. " My throat dried.

" But.."
" But, what? Huh! "
She sighed. " Aladdin, I can't explain to you right now. Just believe me. "

" No. " My voice raised.
" Fine. I am going. "
" Not. On. My watch. " I ran after her and pulled her closer to me. And tried to get the Kala Girac. But I was struggling to do that, as she had her nails done.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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