We won't feel anymore

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We won't feel anymore

Feelings make us weak

They let us lie in bed for hours

late at night

crying, thinking about why we weren't good enough


Why they didn't want us

Why no one wants us

So we'll just stop the feelings

It's not easy

They come to the surface every now and then

Quite often actually

Especially late at night

Because if you feel the same thing over and over again

You can't get rid of it that easily

But we just take a deep breath, in and out

And tell ourselves that

We won't feel anymore

And it works

The crying late at night stopped

Because we ignore our thoughts

The demon inside us who tells us we'll never be good enough stopped

Because we ignore him

The feeling of being a failure stopped

Because we ignore our feelings

And eventually, we don't have to tell ourselves anymore that

We won't feel anymore


We don't feel anymore

But when nobody notices

When we're all alone

late at night

The demon comes back

And we feel like a failure

And we cry

We won't feel anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now