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I'm not sure in what order everything happened at the pre parties, as I haven't been following them as closely as I probably should have. I also know that this isn't exactly how the pre parties went, but let's go with it for the sake of the story. Enjoy!<3


If anybody asked Jere, it did NOT scare him that (S/N) was following him, and he did NOT throw his phone across the room as his first reaction. No no, he was sleeping like he should, and most definitely NOT doing what could be considered stalking her social medias. No, he was sleeping, and when he saw her notification in the morning, he followed her back without thinking much about it. He totally didn't plan it to look like that in an attempt to look cool and carefree, and didn't jump for his phone in the morning to follow her back.

Although they now followed each other, on pretty much all kinds of social media they had, they had never spoken directly to each other. They had never sent a message to each other at any point. Jere would just tell himself that he had been too busy, which (S/N) most likely was too. Rehearsals, practicing, interviews and all sorts of things that Jere never had imagined would be a part of the job. But he wasn't complaining, he was grateful he got to do what he loved the most. It was just this feeling that nothing would be the same anymore. His whole life was changing. But not talking directly with each other, didn't mean that they didn't interact. They liked each other's posts all the time. Whenever the notification about her liking one of his posts came up, he would look surprised and happy at the same time, but would then almost have to do breathing exercises before liking a post of her.

Jere would still find himself at night, looking at interviews with (S/N). This was still wild to Jere. The only other time he had found himself so invested in someone, was with Till Lindemann from Rammstein. There was this one interview, which roughly translates to "Get to know (S/N)", and once again, Jere had to turn on the subtitles.

What's your real name?

"(Y/N) (L/N). Given to me by my parents themself", she laughed. She did have a cute laugh.

Do you have any pets?

"Yes. Two cats. They are the apples of my eye, but also the cause of random scratches on my hand". She showed a small cut to the camera. "That was Snowflake. She's pretty feisty, just like her mother". Jere had to use a second, to realize what she just said. All of a sudden, it made sense to him why so many people started freaking out, after he did something so little as showing his tongue moves out on UMK. (S/N) shook her head laughing. "No, I'm just kidding. I'm actually pretty boring. But Snowflake is feisty, no doubt about that".

Do you have a significant other?

"No, no I don't. I'm single and have been so for quite some time now".

For some reason, this was the comment that made Jere fistbomb the air, as if he had won the Eurovision early this year. Didn't matter that he hadn't had a single word with her, this was enough to make him happy for now.

But it didn't take long before Jere's brother caught on. He didn't say anything to start with, but just gave Jere that look. The knowing look that siblings knew about way too well. And that sent Jere into total denial. (S/N) was a competitor, and the biggest one he had!... other than Loreen. It wasn't until a few days later that his brother finally decided to comment on it.

"Ah, (S/N)", his brother had said with a knowing smile, while finding the whole thing amusing. He sat in the living room, looking through his own phone, while Jere was getting something to eat in the kitchen. "Yeah, her song is good, and she seems like a nice person. I can see why you like her. It could be like Tix and Efendi all over again".

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