
Comenzar desde el principio

"He can't just beg her to help him, not after what he had done." Rebekah sneered at the screen.

Amelia felt conflicted, Brian had broken her heart and she had lost trust in him, she bit back her pain and nodded. "Ok but I need to find Mia first."

Brian shakes his head. "No need, she left with César."

Amelia nodded her head as she followed Brian towards his car, as he sped off.

"Civics are stashed somewhere outside of thermal." She informed Brian, looking down at the map that Brian handed her.

Brian sighs as he glances over to her. "And they wouldn't double back, plus highway ten is too well patrolled. So, what does that leave us with?"

"All this." Her eyes darted back down to the map sighing.

Brian pulled out his phone from the pocket, hitting buttons and putting it up his ear. "Yeah this Is officer Brian O'Conner."

Amelia looked in disbelief that he even faked his name.

"Serial number 34762." Brian continues. "I need a cell phone trace. Okay, Amelia, what's the cell phone number?"

Amelia bit her lip as she ignored him trying to contain her tears, she felt so hurt that she couldn't even look at him, wishing she had trusted Vince's words. She felt weak and Amelia didn't like being weak.

Sofia looks at her daughter, her heart aching for her seeing how Amelia hated that feeling, she just wanted to be there for her and confront her.

"Amelia, what is it? Come on Lia, she needs Dom's cell phone number now!"

Amelia turns to face Brian, pulling the phone from his hand. "323-555-6439."

Brian took the phone back from her. "Thank you. Yeah, you got that."

He ended the call and closed his phone. The car was silent, the only sound coming from the roar of the tires as they sped through the desert.

After a while her ears perked up when his cell phone rang again. He quickly answered. "Yeah."

Amelia heard small talk from the other end before he hung up. "Let me see this."

Amelia handed him the map that was placed in her lap. "Alright, I think we're about forty miles away."

She cleared her throat. "What are you gonna do?"

Brian remained silent as she pushed again. "Brian, What are you gonna do?"


The car had remained silenced for half an hour or so as they were neared where Brian had suspected the crew was.

"Holy shit, stop the car Brian." Amelia's eyes widened as she saw Leon carrying a bruised and bloody letty out the car.

"Amelia was right, they shouldn't have done the job." Sofia said, looking at Stefan. "Please tell me if this gets better."

Stefan ignored her and had kept his gaze focused on the screen as everyone in the room tense, not knowing what was going to happen next.

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