Diy face cleansing mask

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Dr. Agnes Olszewski,

Just when you thought you knew all the benefits of keeping healthy foods around the house, we've found yet another use for them! We teamed up with dermatologist Dr. Agnes and Todra Payne, makeup artist to some of our favorite celebs, to find out just how to put these ingredients to use in a way that your skin can benefit from too. Dr. Agnes suggests this simple, purifying mask recipe to get your skin feeling refreshed! According to Dr. Agnes, cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals and its deep cleansing, anti-inflammatory and cooling action is what makes it valuable for acne sufferers. So, grab some of your girlfriends and get ready for a spa-night unlike any other!

Fresh Cabbage Leaf Cleansing Mask:


- ¼ small green cabbage

- 1 large carrot juiced or 2 tablespoons of fresh carrot juice

- ½ lemon

- 1 tablespoon olive oil

- 2 tablespoons of green clay powder (available inexpensive on


Throw away the outer leaves of the cabbage and rinse and chop the remainder. Combine the cabbage, carrot juice, one teaspoon of lemon juice, and olive oil in a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Mix together 3 tablespoons of the puree with the clay powder.


Cleanse the skin with water.Steam your face for 1-2 minutes by putting hot water in a bowl and putting your face over it with a towel over your head. This will help open your pores, but be careful not to burn yourself!Apply the mask evenly.Get comfortable and relax for 20 minutes.When 20 minutes is up, wet the mask to soften the clay an then remove it with cotton pads or a towel and luke warm water.

When you're done, practice the perfect makeup applications together with your girlfriends. As Todra points out, it is important to apply the correct makeup, not more makeup! When the mask has worked its magic, keep the makeup as sheer as possible to allow your skin to breathe, and only apply thicker concealer on problem areas. 

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