Weekend Plans

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~Natsu🔥~ bed
There was a picture attached to the message. I opened the message and saw it was a picture of that boy Gray.

To: Gray
How'd you get my number?
From: Gray
To: Gray
How'd she get my number?
From: Gray
Lucy asked Levy to hack the school data base trace your dads phone hacked his contacts and found you number then she gave me the number.
To: Gray
From: Gray
Coming from the kid who where's a scarf indoors and outside when it's like 90 degrees.
To: Gray
I am down with this conversation.
I checked the time. 9:45! What!? It was literally 3:45 five minutes ago! (Author: my life in a nutshell.) I changed into some comfy clothes and laid down wanting the day to be over. Soon sleep came to me.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up to the stupid sun shining on my face. I looked at my clock 6:45. "Well I better get up." I said to no one. I grabbed my clothes for the day and my scarf. I quickly got changed and headed down stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was. I saw Wendy was already there. "Good morning mom. Wendy." I said. "Good morning Natsu/Natsu-nii." They said. We sat at the table for a while. I checked the time. 7. Seems like a reasonable time to leave. I got up to leave. "Bye mom. Bye Wendy." I said.

"Bye." They said. Mom normally gives Wendy a ride to school but I pick her up because mom is busy keeping an eye on dad because he is normally drunk off his arse by 3. I got in my car and put my stuff in the passenger seat. I drove to a coffee shop and bought a coffee. When I got to school I saw my friends. I got out of my car and walked to them.

"Hey Natsu!" Lucy yelled. She stood up, ran over to me, and tried to hug me. I stepped to the side and I heard a thud. "Oops sorry Gray." Lucy said "Ow. Lucy I was gonna scare him!" Gray yelled. "Sorry!" She said again. "Love Rival!" Juvia whispered but I heard her. "Nii-san!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I turned around and saw my sister. She jumped up and tackled my to the ground and being hugged. "Natsu whose that?" Lucy asked. "My little sister Wendy. Wendy what are you doing here?" "I was told that I was to smart for 8th grade so I got moved up to 9th along with Chelia." "Oh good for you!" I said with a smile. "Nii-san I miss your smiles." Wendy said. "I know Wend. But could you please get off me?" I asked. "Yeah sorry."

She quickly got off me and I stood up. Then Lucy, Levy, and Erza started hugging her. "Your soooo cute~!" Lucy said. "W-wow Natsu your friends are werid!" Wendy said. "Tell me about it." Good thing nobody's asked about the cut. Suddenly wrapped around my waist and I squeaked as I was being picked up. The person who picked me up whispered in my ear. "That was a cute noise~" I recognized the voice. "God d**nit Gray! Put me down!" I yelled. He set me down. "Natsu you should go to the party Laxus is throwing at Fairy Tail on Saturday?" Lucy asked. "Maybe. I didn't even know about it. Eh...why not sounds like fun." "Natsu might not want to let dad find out about the party." "You right. I'll just say I'm going to a friends for the night." I said.

"Gray can I crash at your place after the party?" I asked turning to Gray. "I don't care, neither will my mom or brother, but how'd you get the cut on your eye?" He said. "Not something I wanna talk about. Anyways now I got plans besides sleeping." I said. Everybody started laughing. "What not everybody at my old school wanted to be friends with a boy with pink hair and wears a scarf." I said. "Well here nobody gives two sh*ts. We're all weird." Lucy said. "I'm starting to like this place more and more." I said.


Well that's a good place to stop. Hope You Enjoyed! Have A Nice Day!

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