The meet

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George's pov:
After a 9hr flight I am exhausted from a baby screaming all flight long so I couldn't have a wink of sleep as I step of the plane I see a tall sandy blond man he had a beard and is wearing rings and necklaces standing next to sapnap as I see sapnap I start to walk up to him
"Hello!" I say
"Hi George!" Sapnap says with a enthusiastic smile
"Hi gogy" says the man
It's dream! I can tell by his voice
"Hi dream!" I give dream the biggest hug and dream hugs me back I start to blush a bit
"Some-ones getting flustered" sapnap teasingly says
"What i am not!" I say
"Haha don't worry gogy"dream says reassuringly
"But for now let's get you home you should be tired"
I yawn "yeah i guess I am a bit tired" I giggle
"Awwwe this is so much DNF right here!" Sapnap says
"Shut up!" We both say I can notice dream is getting a bit flustered but not as much as me
We all get in the car and we arrive at dreams and sapnap mansion
"Wake up it's time to get George"sapnap says as he flops on my bed half asleep
I wake up almost immediately after sapnap says George
"Alright!" I say as my body fills up with excitement
We get ready and head to the airport as we wait for George
"Is that George" I point to a person brunette hair blue eyes and long clothes on walking up to us
"It seems so!" Sapnap says
It is george
I notice George blushing when we hug he seems so adorable when he is blushing. "Awwweee someone is flustered" I hear sapnap say

What if it never happened (a dnf fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora